Partial evaluation papers reading group


Thursday, 13:00 @ Room 236, Bakegaku-kyuukan

date & presenter presented papers
Thu. 9 Sep., 1999 13:00-

Arity Raiser and its Use in Program Specialization
Thu. 26 Aug., 1999 15:00-

Partial Evaluation in Machine Language (His Own Research)
Thu. 19 Aug., 1999 15:00-

Efficient Online Partial Evaluation (His Own Research)
Wed. 11 Aug., 1999 15:00-

  author =       "Siau Cheng Khoo and R. S. Sundaresh",
  title =        "Compiling Inheritance using Partial Evaluation",
  booktitle =    PEPM,
  year =         1991,
  volume =       "26(9)",
  series =       SIGPLANNote,
  pages =        "211--222",
  organization = ACM,
  month =        sep,
  serialNo =     "13-3"
Fri. 6 Aug., 1999 11:00-

Dirk Dussart, Rogardt Heldal, and John Hughes
Module-Sensitive Program Specialization
PLDI '97
Thu. 29 Jul., 1999

Thu. 8, Jul., 1999

  author = 	 "Peter J. Thiemann",
  title = 	 "Correctness of a Region-Based Binding-Time Analysis",
  OPTcrossref =  "",
  OPTkey = 	 "",
  OPTeditor = 	 "",
  volume =	 "6",
  OPTnumber = 	 "",
  series =	 "Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science",
  OPTpages = 	 "",
  booktitle =	 "Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics,
		  Thirteenth Annual Conference",
  year =	 "1997",
  OPTorganization = "",
  publisher =	 "Elsevier Science",
  OPTaddress = 	 "",
  OPTmonth = 	 "",
  note =	 "Available at {\URL{}}",
  OPTannote = 	 ""
  OPTcrossref =  "",
  OPTkey = 	 "",
  author =	 "Peter Thiemann and Dirk Dussart",
  title =	 "Partial Evaluation for Higher-Order Languages with State",
  OPThowpublished = "",
  OPTyear = 	 "",
  OPTmonth = 	 "",
  note =	 "Available at {\URL{}}",
  OPTannote = 	 ""
Thu. 1, July, 1999

  author =       "R. Marlet and C. Consel and P. Boinot",
  title =        "Efficient Incremental Run-Time Specialization for Free ",
  booktitle =    PLDI,
  year =         1999,
  address =      "Atlanta, Georgia, USA",
  month =        may,
  annote =       " saved as"

  author =       "C. Pu and T. Autrey and A. Black and C. Consel and
                  C. Cowan and J. Inouye and L. Kethana and J. Walpole
                  and K. Zhang", 
  title =        "Optimistic incremental specialization: streamlining
                  a commercial operating system", 
  booktitle =    SOSP,
  year =         1995,
  pages =        "314--324",
  address =      "Copper Mountain Resort, Colorado, USA",
  month =        dec,
  serialNo =     "13-5",
  annote =       " saved as pu95sosp.psgz"

  author =       "C. Consel and C. Pu and J. Walpole",
  title =        "Incremental specialization: the key to high
                  performance, modularity and portability in operating
  booktitle =    PEPM93,
  year =         1993,
  pages =        "44--46",
  note =         "invited paper",
  serialNo =     "13-4",
  annote =       " saved as" 
Thu. 24, Jun. 1999

Fritz Henglein and Christian Mossin
Polymorphic Binding-Time Analysis
LNCS 788, ESOP '94

Christian Mossin
Polymorphic Binding-Time Analysis
Master's Thesis, DIKU (July 21, 1993)
Thu. 17, Jun. 1999

  author =	 "Luke Hornof",
  title = 	 "Accurate Binging-Time Analysis For Imperative
                  Languages: Flow, Context, and Return Sensitivity",
  pages =	 "???--???",
  booktitle =	 "Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN
		  Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based
                  Program Manipulation (PEPM '97)"
  year =	 "1997",

  author =       "Luke Hornof and Charles Consel and Jacques Noy{\'e}",
  title =        "Effective Specialization of Realistic Programs via
                  Use Sensitivity",
  booktitle =    "Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'97)",
  year =         1997,
  OPTeditor =    "",
  OPTvolume =    "",
  OPTnumber =    "",
  OPTseries =    "",
  OPTpages =     "293--314",
  OPTorganization = "",
  OPTpublisher = "",
  OPTaddress =   Paris,
  OPTmonth =     sep,
  OPTnote =      "",
  OPTaffil =     "Irisa hornof, / Ecole des Mines de
  OPTkeywords =  "",
  OPTserialNo =  "7-19",
  OPTannote =    "partial evaluator for C, Tempo"

  author =	 "Francois No{\"e}l, Luke Hornof, Charles Consel and
                  Julia L. Lawall",
  title = 	 "Automatic, Template-Based Run-Time Specialization:
                  Implementation and Experimental Study",
  pages =	 "123-142",
  booktitle =	 "IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages 
                  (ICCL '98)",
  year =	 "1998",
Thu. 3, Jun. 1999

  author = 	 "Olivier Danvy",
  title = 	 "Type-Directed Partial Evaluation",
  pages =	 "242--257",
  booktitle =	 "Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT
		  Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages",
  year =	 "1996",

  author = 	 "Tim Sheard",
  title = 	 "A Type-Directed, On-line Partial Evaluator for a
		  Polymorphic Language",
  pages =	 "22--35",
  booktitle =	 "Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on
		  Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation",
  year =	 "1997",

  author = 	 "Olivier Danvy",
  title = 	 "Pragmatic Aspects of Type-Directed Partial Evaluation",
  institution =  "Basic Research in Computer Science",
  year = 	 "1996",
  number =	 "RS-96-15",
  note =	 "Available from
		  Appears in Danvy, Gl{\"u}ck and Thiemann, editors,
		  Partial Evaluation, PE '96 Proceedings, LNCS 1110,
		  1996, pages 73--94",

  author = 	 "Olivier Danvy",
  title = 	 "Online Type-Directed Partial Evaluation",
  institution =  "Basic Research in Computer Science",
  year = 	 "1997",
  number =	 "RS-97-53",
  note =	 "Available from
		  Extended version of an article to appear in the
		  Third Fuji International Symposium on Functional and
		  Logic Programming, FLOPS '98 Proceedings (Kyoto,
		  Japan, April 2--4, 1998)",

  author = 	 "Simon Helsen and Peter Thiemann",
  title = 	 "Two Flavors of Offline Partial Evaluation",
  series =	 LNCS,
  booktitle =	 "Asian Computing Science Conference",
  year =	 "1998",
  publisher =	 SV,
Thu. 20, May 1999

  author =       "{Eugen N.} Volanschi and Charles Consel and  Gilles
                  Muller and Crispin Cowan", 
  title =        "Declarative Specialization of Object-Oriented Programs",
  booktitle =    OOPSLA,
  year =         1997,
  editor =       "Toby Bloom",
  volume =       "32 (10)",
  series =       SIGPLANnote,
  pages =        "286--300",
  address =      "Atlanta",
  month =        oct,
  annote =       ",
  serialNo =     "12-20"

  author =       "Ulrik Pagh Schultz and Julia L. Lawall and Charles
                  Consel and Gilles Muller",
  title =        "Towards Automatic Specialization of {Java} Programs",
  institution =  "IRISA (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et
                  Syst{\`e}ms Al{\'e}atoires)",
  year =         1998,
  number =       1216,
  month =        dec,
  note =         "revised version to appear in ECOOP'99",
  serialNo =     "12-18",
  annote =       ""
Thu. 13, May 1999

Bondorf, A., and O. Danvy
``Automatic autoprojection of recursive equations with global
variables and abstract data types,"
{\em Science of Computer Programming}, Vol. 16, pp. 151--195,
Elsevier (1991).

Bondorf, A., and J. J\o rgensen
``Efficient analyses for realistic off-line partial evaluation,"
{\em Journal of Functional Programming}, Vol. 3, No 3, pp. 315--346,
Cambridge University Press (July 1993).
Thu. 6, May 1999

  author =      "M. Leone and P. Lee",
  title =       "Lightweight Run-Time Code Generation",
  booktitle =   PEPM94,
  year =        "1994",
  pages =       "97-106",

  author =       "Peter Lee and Mark Leone",
  title =        "Optimizing {ML} with Run-Time Code Generation",
  booktitle =    PLDI96,
  year =         1996,
  organization = SIGPLAN,
  address =      PhiladelphiaPA,
  month =        may,
  pages =        "137--148",

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