Special Interest Group on Principles of Programming Languages

Note: this page is obsolete. See new SIG-POPL page on a Wiki system (U-Tokyo local only).

[schedule] [announcement] [members]


Edit ~www/meeting/popl/index.html by yourself to schedule your talk. Having voluntary talk is always welcomed. The assigned talker is obliged to have the members of the meeting notice the content and date of the speech well in advance.
Please link your resume, related links, etc. below.


Experimentally I added this section as a option. Here, we may report the outcome of our activity either by adding comments in this section or by putting links as a reference in the previous schedule section. The content of the report is responsible to the talker.


(new members are welcome!)

$Id: index.html,v 1.130 2007/01/11 13:42:26 hedkandi Exp $