[YL] Natural Language Understanding

Our research on natural language understating does not just aim at providing a natural language interface to existing programs. Rather, we attempt to model the mechanism of natural language comprehension by a human being, and then simulate that mechanism on a computer. Some of the research topic are:

For example, most dialogue systems give no thought of what their users believe. As a result, the responses of such systems are very limited, and they can only communicate with their users in some fixed situations. In order to communicate more intelligently in various situations, a dialog system should talk account of his user's belief and intention. In one of our researches, we present a computational model of an intelligent agent, in which the agent communicates with a person according to his own belief about (1) the situation where he is communicating, (2) the person's belief and intention, and (3) his own belief and intention.

  • Research Report ``A Basic Research for Integrated Natural Language Understanding Systems'' (1992 - 1994) (in Japanese)
  • |m 93.11.26