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Problem 12 - Typed $ \lambda $-calculus

Consider a typed $ \lambda $-calculus, whose types and terms are given by the following syntax. (We assume that constants and variables in $ \lambda $-prefixes are explicitly annotated with their types.)

$ t$($ \lambda $-terms) $ ::=$ $ x$(variable)$ \vert$$ c^{\tau}$(constant)$ \vert$$ t_1t_2$(application)$ \vert$ $ \lambda x:\tau.t$($ \lambda $-abstraction)
$ \tau$(types) $ ::=$ $ b$(bases types)$ \vert$ $ \tau_1\rightarrow\tau_2$(function types)
A type environment $ \Gamma = x_1:\tau_1, \dots, x_n:\tau_n$ is a mapping from variables to types. Give a set of inference rules (typing rules) to define the relation ' $ \Gamma \vdash t:\tau$' which means that $ \lambda $-term $ t$ has type $ \tau$ under the type environment $ \Gamma$.
Using the inference rules in 1., write a derivation tree for the relation $ z:int\vdash (\lambda x:int.1^{int})z:int$.
Describe an outline of a proof of the subject reduction theorem: 'If $ \Gamma \vdash t:\tau$ holds (i.e., if it is derived by the inference rules in 1.) and $ t$ is reduced to $ t'$, then $ \Gamma \vdash t':\tau$ holds'. Then, by using the theorem, show that, for any closed $ \lambda $-term $ t$, if $ \Gamma \vdash t:\tau$ holds, then no runtime type mismatch error can happen during reductions of $ t$.


$\displaystyle \frac{\emptyset}{z:int,x:int\vdash 1^{int}:int} \quad (1)

From (1), we obtain (2):

$\displaystyle \frac{z:int,x:int\vdash 1^{int}:int}{z:int\vdash(\lambda x:int.1^{int}):int\rightarrow int} \quad (2)


$\displaystyle \frac{\empty}{z:int \vdash z:int} \quad (3)

From (2) and (3):

$\displaystyle \frac{z:int\vdash(\lambda x:int.1^{int}):int\rightarrow int \quad z:int\vdash z:int}{z:int\vdash (\lambda x:int.1^{int})z:int} \quad (4)

Let's call the following theorem:
'If $ \Gamma \vdash t:\tau$ holds and $ t\triangleright_{\beta}t'$ then $ \Gamma \vdash t':\tau$ holds.'
the theorem (5). To prove (5), we'll first have to prove the corresponding substitution lemma by induction on the structure of the typed term and use it in a proof by induction on the structure of the term derived by the rules of the operational semantics.

If $ \Gamma \vdash t:\tau$, $ t$ reduces to $ t$, then there is not type mismatch, because this is a reduction with an empty serie of contractions or changes of bound variables. According to (5), if $ t$ reduces to $ t'$ and if $ \Gamma \vdash t:\tau$, then $ \Gamma \vdash t':\tau$, which also means that a non-empty serie of contractions or changes of bound variables doesn't cause any type mismatch at run time.

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