Mobile Scope: A Programming Language with Objective Mobility.
T. Masuyama, F. Peschanski, Y. Oyama, and A. Yonezawa.
ICDCS Workshop on Mobile Distributed Systems 2004. (to appear).
Fine-grained Dynamic Adaptation of Distributed Components.
F. Peschanski, J-P. Briot and A. Yonezawa.
Middleware 2003. LNCS 2672. Springer-Verlag. June 2003. (abstract)(ps)
When Concurrent Control Meets Funcional Requirements, or Z + Petri Nets.
F. Peschanski and D. Julien.
ZB 2003. LNCS 2651. Springer-Verlag. June 2003.(abstract)(ps)
A Versatile Event-based Communication Model for Generic Distributed Interactions.
F. Peschanski.
In Proceedings of DEBS'02. ICDCS Workshops. IEEE. July 2002. (ps)
A Reflective Middleware Architecture for Adaptive Component-based Distributed Systems
F. Peschanski.
IEEE DS Online, vol. 1(7) 2001. (online)
JARGONS : Experimenting Domain-Specific Languages
F. Peschanski.
ICFP SCHEME Workshop, September 2001. (ps)
A Typeful Composition Model for Adaptable Distributed Systems Architectures
F. Peschanski, Chrstian Queinnec and Jean-Pierre Briot.
Technical Report, University of Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie, 2001. (ps)
A Generic Model for Distributed Interactions
F. Peschanski.
First ECOOP Workshop on Distributed Object Oriented Paradigm, Cannes, France, June 2000. (ps)
COMET : A Component-based Reflective Architecture for Distributed Programming
F. Peschanski
First OOPSLA Workshop on Object-Orientation for Software Engineering, Denver, USA, November 1999.(ps)
Adaptations Dynamiques et Orthogonales de Composants Logiciels Distribues.
F. Peschanski et J-P. Briot
TSI Numero special "Adaptation logicielle". (to appear, 2004).
Les Espaces d'Interaction : vers une Geometrie des Systemes d'Agents Mobiles.
F. Peschanski, R. Affeldt et J-P. Briot
LMO 2004. (to appear).
Les Espaces d'Interactions : un Modele pour les Systemes Distribues et Mobiles.
F. Peschanski, Reynald Affeldt et Akinori Yonezawa.
Journees Scienfifiques Francophones. Tokyo. Nov. 2003. (pdf)
Composition et Adaptation Dynamiques de Systemes Distribues, une Approche a base de Composants Asynchrones Types.
F. Peschanski.
PhD Thesis. Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6. June 2002. (ps > 7Mb)
Les composants logiciels, Evolution Technologique ou Nouveau Paradigme?
F. Peschanski, T. Meurisse et J-P. Briot.
OCM 2000 Conference, France, May 2000. (cf.previous homepage)
COMET : Architecture R.ANiflexive N` Base de Composants pour la Construction d'Applications Concurrentes et RNiparties
F. Peschanski
LMO 2000 Conference, Mont St Hilaire, Canada, January 2000. (ps)
MobileScope: a distributed component language with transparent mobility.
T. Masuyama, F. Peschanski, Y. Oyama, and A. Yonezawa.
20th JSSST Conference, Aichi, Japan, 2003.