Watanabe Yuki
I was a student at Yonezawa Laboratory.
My work
- Extending Hoare Type Theory for Arrays. Senior thesis, 2009.
(MS Word,
- 渡邊裕貴、前田俊行、米澤明憲 「配列のためのホーア型理論の拡張」
第 7 回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ、2009。
- A Type-Preserving Compiler for Dependently Typed Functions with Side Effects. Master thesis interim report. (MS Word, PDF; MS PowerPoint)
- Study on Proof of Type Preservation in CPS Transformation (CPS 変換における型保存の証明に関する研究). Master thesis. (MS Word, PDF; MS PowerPoint)
- Coq proof scripts:
These scripts can be compiled with Coq version 8.2pl1.
Watanabe Yuki