Japanese Page.
Research for the Future Program
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
"Intelligence Information and Advanced Information Processing"
Human kind is now facing the crisis caused by the rapid computerization.
Need for research is accute, which represents information in such a way that
people can easily understand and makes its development and utilization more
controllable. In our domain, research is conducted with the following general
- Making information visible
- Making systems easy-to-use
- Facilitating software development
- Processing massive information fast
Steering Committee
Akinori Yonezawa (Professor, University of Tokyo)
- Makoto Nagao (President, Kyoto University)
- Masaaki Shimasaki (Professor, Kyoto University)
- Mario Tokoro (Senior executive managing director, Sony Corporation)
- Yoshihiko Futamura (Professor, Waseda University)
- Takashi Matsuyama (Professor, Kyoto University)
- Fumiko Yonezawa (Professor, Keio University)
List of Project
Address list of members in Japanese
Originally written by webmaster@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Modified by webmaster@yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Last Update on Mar 15, 2001