Special Interest Group on Distributed Algorithm
[Yonezawa Lab.]
Meeting Schedule
Edit ~www/meeting/dis/index.html by yourself to schedule your talk. Having voluntary talk is always welcomed.
The members of our group read this book : "Introduction to Distributed Algorithm".
Please link your resume, related links, etc. below.
- 2002 7 9(Fri.) from 15:00 @Rm.#
16-17 : Failure Detection & Stabilization
- 2002 6 28(Fri.) from 18:00 @Rm.旧理学部一号館#450
15 : Fault Tolerance in Synchronous Systems
- 2002 5 29(Wed.)
- 2002 5 22 (Wed.)
- 2002 5 15 (Wed.)
[yoshinor] 13-14 : Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems & Fault Tolerance in Asynchronous Systems(ppt ps)
- 2002 5 8 (Wed.)
- 2002 5 1 (Wed.)
[] :
- 2002 4 26 (Fri.) from 18:00 @Rm.#214
[hayami] 5: Deadlock-free Packet Switching (resume: ppt,ps)
- 2002 4 17 (Wed.) from 18:00 @Rm.#214
[sshong] 4 : Routing Algoritms
- 2002 4 12 (Fri.) from 18:00 @Rm.#214
[endo] 3 : Communication Protocols (resume)
- 2002 4 5 (Fri.) from 17:00 @Rm.#102
[kaneda] 1-2 : Introduction & The Model (resume)
(new members are welcome!)
- Kenjiro Taura (Lecturer @ Chikayama Lab.)
- Toshiyuki Takahashi (Researcher)
- Toshio Endo (Researcher)
- Daisaku Yokoyama (D3 @ Chikayama Lab.)
- Hong Soonsang (D1)
- Yuta Hayami (M2)
- Kenji Kaneda (M2)
- Yoshinori Kobayashi (M2)
- Naoshi Tabuchi(M2)
- Akihito Nagata (M1)
- Nguyen Viet Ha (M1)