StackThreads/MP User's Manual

Jan 1999

This manual corresponds to StackThreads/MP version 0.76

Kenjiro Taura
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan


StackThreads/MP provides fine-grain multithreading in GNU C/C++, without a sophisticated preprocessor or a native code generator specifically implemented for multithreading. Instead, it works with unmodified GNU C compiler and preprocessor.

With StackThreads/MP, programmers can parallelize existing C code. Unlike traditional thread libraries such as Pthreads, StackThreads/MP supports fine-grain threads, threads whose granularities are much smaller than typical threads in traditional thread libraries. StackThreads/MP creates and finishes a thread with a very small overhead (about 10 RISC instructions). Thus it enables a programming style in which a thread is dynamically created when an independent task is identified. This allows a natural description of many parallel programs, such as parallel divide-and-conquer.

Other goals of StackThreads include (1) help parallel language developers implement parallel primitives, (2) provide common runtime framework in which multiple parallel languages can inter-operate, and (3) propose minimal changes to the current calling standard so that any standard-conforming languages support a common multithreading model in future.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs and comments on the StackThreads/MP system and this document to the author.

Please join StackThreas/MP mailing list for getting helps and listening to announcements (visit


Currently, StackThreads/MP is running under the following platforms:

  1. Solaris on SPARC (v8+ or v9) processors (currently, 32 bits only)
  2. Solaris on x86 processors
  3. Linux on x86 processors
  4. Linux on Alpha processors
  5. IRIX on MIPS processors (currently, 32 bits only)
  6. Digital UNIX ver 4.0 on Alpha processors
  7. Windows NT on x86 processors.

The following software must be installed on your platform.

  1. GNU C compiler (version 2 required)
  2. GNU awk
  3. GNU make

GNU C compiler and GNU awk are mandatory. We do not recommend you to think about how to dispense with them. GNU make is somewhat optional but we use `ifeq' notations to write our Makefiles. Be sure these commands are invoked by typing gcc, gawk, and gmake (or make), respectively. Also be sure that nm (either native or GNU) works correctly.


Installation consists of the following steps.

  1. Uncompress and untar the distribution in the directory to which you want to install StackThreads. For example, if you want to install it under /usr/local/src, you put sthreads.tar.gz in /usr/local/src and type
            % gzip -dc sthreads.tar.gz | tar xf -
    You will find directory /usr/local/src/sthreads created. We hereafter refer to this directory as the toplevel directory.
  2. In your .cshrc file (or in a file appropriate to your shell), set the following environment variables.
    1. ST_DIR to the toplevel directory to which you unzipped this software.
    2. ST_OS_TYPE to the operating system on which you use this software. Possible values are:
      1. solaris (for Solaris)
      2. irix (for IRIX)
      3. osf1 (for Digital UNIX)
      4. linux (for Linux)
      5. winnt (for Windows NT)
    3. ST_CPU_TYPE to the CPU on which you use this software. Possible values are:
      1. sparc (for SPARC)
      2. mips (for MIPS)
      3. alpha (for Alpha)
      4. i386 (for Intel)
    4. ST_THREAD_PKG to the underlying thread package. This specifies the thread package that StackThreads/MP uses. Possible values are:
      1. st_solaris_thread (for Solaris threads. possible only on Solaris. recommended on Solaris).
      2. st_pthread (for Pthreads. possible except on Windows NT. The only choice on Linux and Digital UNIX).
      3. st_sfork_thread (for sproc. possible only on IRIX. recommended on IRIX).
      4. st_nt_thread (for NT thread. possible only on NT. The only choice on NT).
      5. st_no_thread (for uniprocessors. available on every platform).
    Also add $(ST_DIR)/bin to your path. These variables are needed not only when you build StackThreads/MP, but also when you compile applications that use StackThreads. Here is an example startup file for csh, to use StackThreads/MP on SPARC Solaris.
           setenv ST_DIR /usr/local/src/sthreads
           setenv ST_THREAD_PKG st_solaris_thread
           setenv ST_OS_TYPE solaris
           setenv ST_CPU_TYPE sparc
    Here is an example startup for sh, to use StackThreads/MP on SPARC Solaris.
           export ST_DIR
           export ST_THREAD_PKG
           export ST_OS_TYPE
           export ST_CPU_TYPE
  3. Compile the core library (libst.a) by:
            % cd src
            % make
    In success, this generates library file libst.a as $(ST_DIR)/lib/libst.a
  4. Compile some utilities (libstext.a) by:
            % cd ../ext_src
            % make
    In success, this generates library file libstext.a as $(ST_DIR)/lib/libstext.a
  5. Perform a simple test by:
            % cd ../ex/small
            % make
    It builds many small test programs. When everything is compiled successfully, run any. Most programs do not take any command line arguments and those that do display appropriate messages when invoked with no arguments. Some programs are verbose and others are not, but all programs say OK in the last line when nothing went wrong. On i386, program nestcall does not run successfully. This is a limitation of the current implementation with unmodified GCC. See section Floating SP Problem for the description of the problem. We have a patch to GCC that fixes this problem. See section Applying Safety Patches to GCC for how to apply patches. On SPARC, strpass does not run successfully. This is another limitation of the current implementation with unmodified GCC. See section Structure passing on SPARC for the description of the problem. We have a patch to GCC that fixes this problem. See section Applying Safety Patches to GCC for how to apply patches. Try program bin with various number of processors. The number of processors can be specified with -nw P, where P is the number of processors. Specify a value between 1 and the number of processors you have. Generally, performance is maximized when P is the number of processors on small systems (like four processor systems) and a value slightly smaller than it on medium- or large-scale systems (like 10 or more processor systems). Giving a value higher than the number of processors is allowed, but is generally a bad idea. For example, if you have 16 processors, try:
            ./bin -nw 1
            ./bin -nw 5
            ./bin -nw 10
            ./bin -nw 14
            ./bin -nw 15
            ./bin -nw 16
    and see how speed is improved.
  6. Compile documents by:
            % cd ../doc
            % make
    This generates stman.dvi and The should be copied into the directory where info files are installed in your system.
  7. If you want to install StackThreads/MP for more than one platforms, and you want to share the source for them, you can copy directories lib, bin, and include to whatever directory you like. If you do that, run ranlib for archives and change your ST_DIR environment variable to the directory you copied them into. For example, if your StackThreads/MP source is in /usr/local/src/sthreads and you want to copy lib, bin, and include to /usr/local/lib/sthreads,
            % cd /usr/local/src/sthreads
            % cp -r lib bin include /usr/local/lib/sthreads
            % ranlib /usr/local/lib/sthreads/lib/libst.a
            % ranlib /usr/local/lib/sthreads/lib/libstext.a
    and change your ST_DIR settings to:
            setenv ST_DIR /usr/local/lib/sthreads
    in csh, or to:
            export ST_DIR
    in sh. When you have done that, you may delete the source tree, if you ever wish to do that. If you are not going to use StackThreads/MP on multiple platforms, or you do not mind having a separate source tree on each platform, do not bother to copy the above directories. You can just keep them in place.
  8. At this point, you may also apply patches to gcc. This is not mandatory (except when you use gcc 2.8.1 on SPARC, which has a simple bug in handling -mflat option), so you can normally skip it and consider applying pathces later. These patches guarantee the safety of StackThreads/MP programs compiled by gcc. The distribution includes diffs for gcc and gcc 2.8.1, in gccpatch/gcc- and gccpatch/gcc-2.8.1, respectively. See section Applying Safety Patches to GCC for more detail. Patch gcc 2.8.1 on SPARC! gcc 2.8.1 on SPARC processors has a simple bug in handling -mflat option that StackThreads/MP heavily relies upon. When you are going to use StackThreads/MP on SPARC with gcc 2.8.1, apply patches.

The Basics

An Example

The following program illustrates the use of StackThreads/MP using the "Fibonacci" function.

 2  #include <st.h>
 5  int fib(int n)
 6  {
 7    if (n < 2) {
 9      return 1;
10    } else {
11      int a, b;
16      a = fib(n - 1);
17      b = fib(n - 2);
19      return a + b;
22    }
23  }
25  void pfib(int n, int * r, st_join_counter_t *c)
26  {
27    if (n < 2) {
28      *r = 1;                     /* write the result */
29      st_join_counter_finish(c, 1);/* say I have done */
30    } else {
31      int a, b;
32      st_join_counter_t cc[1];
33      ST_POLLING();               /* check if somebody is asking work 
34                                     and free stack */
35      st_join_counter_init(cc, 2);/* initialize join counter */
36      ST_THREAD_CREATE(pfib(n - 1, &a, cc)); /* fork fib(n-1, ...) */
37      pfib(n - 2, &b, cc);        /* fork fib(n-2, ...) */
38      st_join_counter_wait(cc);   /* wait for child's completion */
39      *r = a + b;                 /* write the result */
40      st_join_counter_finish(c);  /* say I have done */
41      ST_POLLING();               /* check if somebody is asking work 
42                                     and free stack */
43    }
44  }
46  int st_main()
47  {
49    int n = 33;
50    long pfib_time, sfib_time;
52    {
53      long t0, t1, t2, t3;
54      int pr, sr;
55      st_join_counter_t c[1];
57      /* do parallel fib */
58      t0 = st_current_time_ms();
59      st_join_counter_init(c, 1);
60      pfib(n, &pr, c);
61      st_join_counter_wait(c);
62      t1 = st_current_time_ms(); 
63      pfib_time = t1 - t0;
65      /* do sequential fib */
66      t0 = st_current_time_ms();
67      sr = fib(n);
68      t1 = st_current_time_ms();
69      sfib_time = t1 - t0;
71      if (sr != pr) {
72        fprintf(st_errout, "wrong\n");
73        st_stack_trace_and_die();
74      }
75    }
77    printf("pfib: %d ms on %d processors, sfib: %d ms\n", 
78           pfib_time, st_n_toplevel_workers(), sfib_time);
79    return 0;
80  }

fib is a sequential function that computes Nth Fibonacci number. pfib is a parallel version. The algorithm is just to create a thread for the first recursive call (line 36). Before going into details of the program, we summarize some practical points.

  1. Any file that uses StackThreads/MP primitives should include <st.h> (line 2).
  2. A simple way to build a StackThreads/MP program is to define st_main instead of main. The main function defined in the library processes some command-line arguments that are common to all StackThreads/MP programs (such as -nw), performs necessary setup, and invokes st_main, passing unrecognized command-line arguments in argc, argv, and envp. The return value of st_main becomes the exit status of the program. There is a way to use StackThreads/MP from your own main (see section Calling StackThreads/MP Procedure from Sequential Procedure).
  3. If you want to maintain a single source which is sometimes compiled with StackThreads/MP and sometimes without it, use STHREADS predefined macro. It is defined iff the program is compiled for StackThreads/MP. (see section STGCC/STG++: A wrapper for GCC for more details).


Compile the sample program in the previous section (call it fib.c) by:

        % stgcc fib.c -o fib

We use a simple frontend driver for gcc, called stgcc (stg++ is provided for C++ programs). It is NOT a preprocessor, but a simple script that invokes gcc with appropriate options (such as include search paths and library search paths). Also, it automatically links the StackThreads/MP library and utilities.

It is intended to accept ALL gcc options (unless it fundamentally conflicts with StackThreads/MP), so that any C program that can be compiled with gcc can at least be compiled with stgcc.

StackThreads/MP provides a small utility that generates a simple Makefile for new applications. Try:

                stmkmf "app_name" > Makefile

For example, if you want to create an application called "fib", you type:

                stmkmf fib > Makefile

The generated Makefile has some necessary settings such as CC=stgcc and some useful targets (such as clean). It assumes that you write a single source file (fib.c or For programs with multiple sources, look for BASES variable in the generated Makefile. Add base names of other object files there. For example, if the executable fib is going to be generated from fib.o, myutil.o, and main.o, you add util main to the BASES variables, like this:

        BASES = $(APP) util main

If you already have a Makefile for your program, do not bother to generate it and merge it into the old one. The generated Makefile does nothing particularly important. Simply set your CC variable to stgcc in your original Makefile.


If you successfully compiled the sample program, you should have obtained executable fib (or fib.exe on Windows NT). Run the program normally by typing the program name from the command line, like this:

        harp:366% ./fib

You will see the following message on the terminal:

        harp:366% ./fib
        pfib: 10714 ms on 1 processors, sfib: 2114 ms

By default, a StackThreads/MP program runs using a single processor. You can use multiple processors by adding -nw option at the command line. For example, if you want to use 10 processors, try this:

        harp:367% ./fib -nw 10
        pfib: 1091 ms on 10 processors, sfib: 2062 ms

st_main does not see the command line arguments -nw 10 in its argv; they are removed by the runtime system before entering st_main. (see section Command Line Options Common for All StackThreads/MP Programs for more options).

Assuming you create a large number of threads, performance is generally maximized when you give a number equal to the number of available processors (on small-scale systems like 4 processor systems) or a number slightly smaller than it (on medium- or large-scale systems like 16 or 64 processor systems). It generally does not improve performance to give a number larger than the number of processors. Also do not try to use many processors when the machine is heavily loaded.

You may notice that the parallel version runs much (5 times) slower than the sequential version. There are simple hacks to improve this up to a point like 3 times, but for very small functions like fib, the overhead like this is the current state of the art. In practice, the granularity of a thread is typically much larger. StackThreads/MP well tolerates a thread whose granularity is something like 200 instructions. (see section A recommended programming style for performance for several advices to achieve good performance on StackThreads/MP ).

NOTE: The number of processors specified by -nw is irrelevant to the number of threads you can create in the program. By giving -nw 10, the program spawns 10 OS-level threads during its initialization. An OS-level thread is a thread directly supported by OS, such as LWP on Solaris. We hereafter call an OS-level thread a worker, to avoid confusion between threads supported by StackThreads/MP (created via ST_THREAD_CREATE) and OS-level threads. StackThreads/MP runtime system dispatches dynamically created threads to workers. Also note that although we say -nw specifies the number of processors, it actually specifies the number of workers. In particular, a worker is not permanently bounded to a particular processor. Confusing workers with processors does not normally cause any problem.

Basic Primitives

Let's now move our focus to the parallel Fibonacci function.

 1  void pfib(int n, int * r, st_join_counter_t *c)
 2  {
 3    if (n < 2) {
 4      *r = 1;                     /* write the result */
 5      st_join_counter_finish(c);  /* say I have done */
 6    } else {
 7      int a, b;
 8      st_join_counter_t cc[1];
 9      ST_POLLING();               /* check if somebody is asking work 
10                                     and free stack */
11      st_join_counter_init(cc, 2); /* initialize join counter */
12      ST_THREAD_CREATE(pfib(n - 1, &a, cc)); /* fork fib(n-1, ...) */
13      pfib(n - 2, &b, cc);        /* fork fib(n-2, ...) */
14      st_join_counter_wait(cc);   /* wait for child's completion */
15      *r = a + b;                 /* write the result */
16      st_join_counter_finish(c);  /* say I have done */
17      ST_POLLING();               /* check if somebody is asking work 
18                                     and free stack */
19    }
20  }

The algorithm is a simple parallel recursion in which the first recursive call is done in parallel with the caller. This is done by

        ST_THREAD_CREATE(fib(n - 1, &a, cc));

at line 12. Unlike sequential function, the parallel version takes two additional parameters. The second parameter, r, is the pointer to a storage to which the result value will be stored. The third parameter, c, is a pointer to a storage through which the function signals the end of its computation to the caller.

The third parameter is necessary because, once a procedure call is done in parallel with the caller, the caller at some point needs to make sure that the procedure is finished. This synchronization is done via what we call "synchronization counter." The type of the counter is st_join_counter_t. A storage for a counter is declared at line 8:

     st_join_counter_t cc[1];

Line 11 initializes the counter to 2.

    st_join_counter_init_(cc, 2);            /* initialize join counter */

This declares that two procedures will be associated to the counter cc. The two procedures are called at line 12 and 13.

    ST_THREAD_CREATE(pfib(n - 1, &a, cc)); /* fork fib(n-1, ...) */
    pfib(n - 2, &b, cc);       /* fork fib(n-2, ...) */

cc is given to both procedure calls.

When pfib is finished, it decrements the counter received through the third argument at line 5 and 16.


When two procedures are finished, the value of the counter will become zero, because it is initialized to two and decremented twice. At line 14, the parent waits for the value of the counter to become zero.


Note that the procedure first writes the return value and then decrements the counter. Conversely, the parent first waits on the counter and then reads the return value. This order is important; this guarantees that when the parent reads the value, the called procedure has written a value. If, for example, the procedure first decrements the counter and then writes the result value, it is possible for the parent to observe that a counter becomes zero before the callee has written the result value.

If you feel that this program is very awkward just for writing small things like fib, you are right. This example is meant to describe primitives and mention general caution in parallel programming. You can usually make the program syntactically nicer by having a data structure that embeds the synchronization counter and wrapper functions that encapsulate synchronization. In the above pfib function, for example, you might define a data structure "int_box" as follows:

typedef struct int_box
   int val;
   st_join_counter_t c[1];
} * int_box_t;

and two wrapper functions void int_box_write(int_box_t b, int x) and int int_box_read(int_box_t b), as follows:

void int_box_write(int_box_t b, int x)
  b->val = x;

int int_box_read(int_box_t b, int x)
  return b->val; 

It is also not difficult to add a new synchronization primitive for different constraints. See section Implementing Synchronization Primitives for the bottom-level machinery for implementing new synchronization primitives.

Up to this point, we have explained that a thread is created by ST_THREAD_CREATE and threads can be synchronized by a synchronization counter. Remaining things are calls to ST_POLLING at line 9 and 17. Well, it does not have any visible effect. One thing that happens in ST_POLLING is that the current processor checks if an idle processor is requesting a thread to the current processor, and gives a thread if any (and the current processor has enough threads). You do not have to understand the details about how threads are migrated or when a thread belongs to a particular processor, but you have to understand that threads never get executed in parallel unless you occasionally call ST_POLLING, which distributes work if there are idle processors. See section Where should you insert ST_POLLING? for hints as to where to insert ST_POLLING.

In summary, converting a sequential program into a parallel one involves the following steps:

  1. Extract Parallelism: Insert ST_CREATE_THREAD where parallelism is necessary. Unlike traditional thread libraries, creating threads much more than the number of processors is no problem in StackThreads/MP.
  2. Introduce Synchronization: Insert synchronization to make sure whatever condition you want to guarantee is satisfied at an appropriate point. For example, wait for another thread to write a result or wait for another thread to release some resources.
  3. Distribute Work: Insert ST_POLLING to periodically distribute work among processors.


Creating A Thread



where e is a procedure call expression in C/C++ that does not have nested procedure calls in argument positions. On SPARC, special care must be taken when you pass structures as arguments (see section Structure passing on SPARC). Unlike a similar thread creating functions in traditional thread libraries such as Pthreads, the procedure can take any number of parameters and, more importantly, the cost of a thread creation is very small (typically something like 10 instructions in addition to a procedure call overhead). Hence, if your computation can tolerate the overhead of a procedure call, it is likely to tolerate the overhead of creating a thread as well.

The actual constraint for argument positions is slightly more relaxed; we actually permit procedures that never call StackThreads/MP primitives, most notably procedures in standard libraries (such as printf, atoi, etc.). But you can remember the above rule as a simple safety net. Here are some examples:

        ST_THREAD_CREATE(f(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

is valid,


is valid, because we know atoi never call StackThreads primitives. Finally,


is invalid if g calls any StackThreads primitive.




Although it does not have any instantly visible effect, you must make sure that this macro is periodically called. It does two tasks. One is to check if a thread migration request from an idle processor is coming and respond to it if any. The other is to free some stack frames. See section Where should you insert ST_POLLING? for where to insert this in your program.

Do not worry so much about the overhead of ST_POLLING. If all the workers are already busy and you do not have to free any stack frame, the overhead is something like 10 -- 20 instructions.


StackThreads/MP provides standard synchronization primitives including mutex, semaphore, and condition variables. Mutex and condition variables behave like their Pthread counter part, and semaphore (not supported by Pthread) behaves like its Solaris thread counter part. StackThreads/MP also supports a very commonly used producer-consume synchronization primitive, called join counter.

All these waiting primitives (mutex lock, semaphore wait, condition wait, and join counter wait) block the currently running thread (the thread created by ST_THREAD_CREATE) and schedule another thread, when the waiting condition is not immediately satisfied.

NOTE: In the following description, we say "xxx signals an error, when ... ". The meaning of this statement depends on how the library was compiled. These procedures are defined in file src/st_sync.c in StackThreads/MP distribution and the file contains a macro #define ST_DIE_ON_ERROR 1 at the head of it. When this flag is set to 1 (the default), "signals an error" means the application will die when an error occurs (It has nothing to do with UNIX signals). This is useful when debugging (and also when your application is stable enough not to perform such an error). When this flag is zero, it simply means the procedure returns an error value (ST_FAULT).

Join Counter


        int st_join_counter_init(j, v);
        int st_join_counter_wait(j);
        int st_join_counter_finish_1(j, v);
        int st_join_counter_finish(j)
        int st_join_counter_spawn_1(j, v);
        int st_join_counter_spawn(j)
        int st_join_counter_destroy(j);
               st_join_counter_t * j, unsigned long v;
        st_join_counter_t x = ST_JOIN_COUNTER_INITIALIZER;

Join counter provides a simple producer-consume style synchronization. It internally maintains a non-negative integer (counter). st_join_counter_init(j, v) initializes the counter of j to v. It must be called when no other threads access to j concurrently (e.g., immediately after creation). st_join_counter_finish_1(j, v) and st_join_counter_spawn_1(j, v) atomically decrements and increments the counter of j by v, respectively. st_join_counter_finish(j) and st_join_counter_spawn(j) are synonyms for st_join_counter_finish_1(j, 1) and st_join_counter_spawn_1(j, 1), respectively. st_join_counter_wait(j) waits for the counter of j to become zero. st_join_counter_destroy(j) destroys j. It must be called when no other threads access to j concurrently. It also checks if the counter is zero. If this is not the case, it signals an error. st_join_counter_t x = ST_JOIN_COUNTER_INITIALIZER(c) defines a global or static variable that is initialized to c.

It is allowed to recycle a storage for a counter many times, as long as the counter is correctly initialized before each use and destroyed after each use.

Typically, you use a synchronization counter to wait for the completion (or an arrival to a certain point) of child threads. Here is a simple example.

  st_join_counter_t j[1];
  st_join_counter_init(j, n);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    ST_THREAD_CREATE(f(..., j));

Assume that f(..., j) calls st_join_counter_finish(j) when it is finished, st_join_counter_wait(j) waits for the completion of all threads created in the loop.

st_join_counter_spawn and st_join_counter_spawn_1 are provided in cases where you do not know how many threads are going to be associated with the counter. Each time you create a thread, you increment the counter by st_join_counter_spawn and then create a thread.

All these functions return zero upon success and signals an error if an error occurred.



        int st_sema_init_1(s, c, lim);
        st_sema_init(s, c);
        int st_sema_wait(s);
        int st_sema_trywait(s);
        int st_sema_post(s);
        int st_sema_destroy(s);
               st_sema_t * s; int c, int lim;
        st_sema_t x = ST_SEMA_INITIALIZER_1(c, p);

Semaphore manages limited resources shared by threads. A semaphore internally maintains a counter. st_sema_init_1(s, c, lim) initializes the counter of s to c. When lim is positive, it specifies the upper limit on the counter. st_sema_init(s) is synonym for st_sema_init_1(s, 0) (no upper limits). st_sema_wait(s) waits the counter of s to become positive and decrements the counter by one. st_sema_trywait(s) behaves like st_sema_wait(s), except it immediately returns value ST_BUSY, when the counter is not positive. st_sema_post(s) increments the counter of s by one. If the upper limit was imposed by st_sema_init(s) and the counter would exceed that value after the increment, an error is signaled. st_sema_destroy(s) destroys s. It signals an error if the counter of s is not the same as the value given at initialization (i.e., st_sema_post were not called as many times as st_sema_wait.). st_sema_t x = ST_SEMA_INITIALIZER_1(c, p) defines a global or static variable x whose counter is c and the upper limit is p.

All these functions return zero upon success and signals an error if an error occurred. Read standard thread books on introduction to semaphore.



        int st_mutex_init(m);
        int st_mutex_trylock(m);
        int st_mutex_lock(m);
        int st_mutex_unlock(m);
        int st_mutex_destroy(m);
               st_mutex_t * m;
        st_mutex_t x = ST_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

Mutex is an essentially a binary semaphore with upper limit 1 (a semaphore that can only have 0 or 1 as its value). The mutex is either in locked or unlocked state. st_mutex_init(m) initializes it to an unlocked state. st_mutex_lock(m) waits for m to become unlocked and lock it. st_mutex_trylock(m) behaves like st_mutex_lock(m), except that it immediately returns value ST_BUSY when m is locked. st_mute_unlock(m) unlocks m. It signals an error if m is not locked. st_mutex_destroy(m) destroys m. It signals an error if m is locked. st_mutex_t x = ST_MUTEX_INITIALIZER defined a global or static mutex.

Condition Variable


        int st_cond_init(c);
        int st_cond_wait(c, m);
        int st_cond_signal(c);
        int st_cond_broadcast(c);
        int st_cond_destroy(c);
               st_cond_t * c; st_mutex_t * m;

Condition wait is a general mechanism upon which various synchronization can be built. Read standard thread books on how to use it.


StackThreads/MP provides a simple set of spin-lock primitives. A location can be atomically read and locked by read-and-lock primitives. They wait for the location to become unlocked and then atomically lock the location. They return the value previously written in the location. A locked location can be unlocked with write-and-unlock primitives. They take a value and a locked location as the arguments, write the value to the location, and unlock the location. The location must be locked or the behavior is undefined. These primitives are useful for performing atomic read-modify-write on a single location without a separate "lock" word. In addition a value can be read even when the location is currently locked.

CAUTION: All locking primitives described below (st_read_and_lock_xxx) fail after certain number of locking attempts. When they fail, the program terminates after printing stack trace information. This is typically a good thing, as it makes debugging easier (a simple error that forgets to unlock a location is detected at the next lock attempt). On the other hand, it is in theory possible to kill a program that is otherwise correct. However, in most cases, when you fail to obtain a lock, it indicates that you lock a location too long or you spin-lock a highly-contended location, both of which are considered wrong. In most cases, you should change the locking strategy for performance anyway. See section Initialization, Lock, and Unlock for more about this.

Initialization, Lock, and Unlock


        typedef struct st_int_loc st_int_loc_t;
        typedef struct st_long_loc st_long_loc_t;
        typedef struct st_ptr_loc st_ptr_loc_t;

        int st_read_and_lock_int(il);
        long st_read_and_lock_long(ll);
        void * st_read_and_lock_ptr(pl);

        void st_write_and_unlock_int(il, i);
        void st_write_and_unlock_long(ll, l);
        void st_write_and_unlock_ptr(pl, p);

        int ST_INT_LOC_INIT(il, i);
        long ST_LONG_LOC_INIT(ll, l);
        void * ST_PTR_LOC_INIT(pl, p);

            st_int_loc_t * il;   int i;
            st_long_loc_t * ll;  long l;
            st_ptr_loc_t * pl;   void * p;

        st_int_loc_t v = ST_INT_LOC_INITIALIZER(x);
        st_long_loc_t v = ST_LONG_LOC_INITIALIZER(x);
        st_ptr_loc_t v = ST_PTR_LOC_INITIALIZER(x);

Type st_int_loc_t is int type that is `tagged' by `lock bits.' Similarly, st_long_loc_t and st_ptr_loc_t are tagged long and void *, respectively.

st_read_and_lock_int(il) waits for the location pointed to by il to become unlocked. When it is unlocked, it atomically lock the location and returns the value previously written at the location pointed to by il. Lock bits are stripped. st_read_and_lock_long(ll) and st_read_and_lock_ptr(pl) work similarly, but on locations that hold values of type st_loc_long_t and st_loc_ptr_t, respectively.

st_write_and_unlock_int(il, i) writes value i to the location pointed to by il and unlocks the location. The location must be locked upon calling the procedure. st_write_and_unlock_long(ll, l) and st_write_and_unlock_ptr(pl, p) are similar procedures for st_long_loc_t * and st_ptr_loc_t *, respectively.

ST_INT_LOC_INT(il, i) initializes the location pointed to by il by i. The location is initialized to `unlocked' state. ST_LONG_LOC_INT(ll, l) and ST_PTR_LOC_INT(pl, p) are similar procedures for st_long_loc_t * and st_ptr_loc_t *, respectively.

st_int_loc_t v = ST_INT_LOC_INITIALIZER(x); defines a global or static variable of st_int_loc_t that is initialized to x. ST_LONG_LOC_INITIALIZER(x) and ST_PTR_LOC_INITIALIZER(x) are similar initializers for st_long_loc_t and st_ptr_loc_t, respectively.

st_read_and_lock and st_write_and_unlock can be used to perform an atomic read-modify-write sequence on a single location. Here is a typical example.

        st_int_loc_t il = ST_INT_LOC_INITIALIZER(1);

        void read_modify_write()
            int x = st_read_and_lock_int(&il);
            st_write_and_unlock_int(&il, 3 * x);

This code atomically multiplies the value at the location il by 3.

Remark 1: Primitives st_read_and_lock_xxx never block the calling thread; they just wait for the location to become unlocked by spinning. Therefore, do every effort to make the critical section as short as possible. How short should they be? Well, as a rough approximation, avoid anything more than a couple of arithmetics and a couple of loads and stores. Avoid dynamic memory allocations such as malloc when you are holding a lock. Also, never try to lock a location when you are locking another location. It is a common source of deadlocks.

If you cannot avoid having a long critical section, you should not use spin-lock primitives in the first place, but use blocking synchronization primitives. As already shown, StackThreads/MP provides synchronization primitives that block the calling thread and schedule another thread when necessary. st_mutex_t will be most useful for such purposes.

Nonetheless, spin-locks are useful for short-critical sections. You cannot unconditionally adopt blocking primitives, as critical sections can be made short in many cases and in such cases spin-locks are both time- and space- efficient.

To avoid deadlocks and severe performance degradation due to a wrong use of spin-locks, st_read_and_lock primitives will timeout after a certain number of attempts. More specifically, when they fail to obtain a lock 1,000 times in a row, they sleep the calling worker 1 millisecond and retry. They repeat this process 10 times. When the lock is not still granted, it displays an error message and the application dies. It may kill an application that would otherwise be correct. However, it can detect a common programming error in which the programmer forgets to write a necessary unlock operation. Even if the application works, holding a lock 10 milliseconds typically degrades performance of the application, so you should take the error message as a strong suggestion that your locking strategy is wrong.

Remark 2: These primitives assume that two bits are embedded for tags within a single word. For example, on machines where int is 32 bits, st_int_loc_t uses the least significant two bits for tags. The value is left-shifted by two bits and stored in the most significant 30 bits. Consequently the most significant two bits are discarded when a value is stored. Conversely, when a value is read, the most significant two bits are sign-extended. Therefore, values representable by st_int_loc_t are restricted to -2^30 ... 2^30 - 1. For pointers, we assume the value of a pointer is 4 bytes aligned. That is, the least significant two bits of a pointer are zeroes and we use these two bits for tags. When a value that is not properly aligned is given to st_write_and_unlock_ptr, the least significant two bits are just discarded.

Reading and Checking Locations


        int st_read_int(il);
        long st_read_long(ll);
        void * st_read_ptr(pl);

        int ST_INT_LOC_CHECK(il, i);
        int ST_LONG_LOC_CHECK(ll, l);
        int ST_PTR_LOC_CHECK(pl, p);

        int ST_INT_LOC_LOCKED(il);
        int ST_LONG_LOC_LOCKED(ll);
        int ST_PTR_LOC_LOCKED(pl);

st_read_int(il) reads the value at the location pointed to by il, but does not lock the location. It can immediately read the value even if the location is locked. st_read_long(ll) and st_read_ptr(pl) are similar procedures for locations of type st_long_loc_t * and st_long_ptr_t *.

ST_INT_LOC_CHECK(il, i) is 1 when il is currently unlocked and its value equals to i. This is semantically equivalent to (st_read_int(il) == i), but on some CPUs, the former is considerably faster. ST_LONG_LOC_CHECK(ll, l) and ST_PTR_LOC_CHECK(pl, p) are similar primitives for st_long_loc_t * and st_ptr_loc_t *, respectively.

ST_INT_LOC_LOCKED(il) is 1 if the location il is currently locked. ST_LONG_LOC_LOCKED(ll) and ST_PTR_LOC_LOCKED(pl) are similar primitives for st_long_loc_t * and st_ptr_loc_t *, respectively.

Try Lock and Lock Any


        int st_read_and_lock_any_int(il, els, n, ires);
        int st_read_and_lock_any_long(ll, els, n, lres);
        int st_read_and_lock_any_ptr(pl, els, n, pres);

        int st_try_read_and_lock_int(il, ires);
        int st_try_read_and_lock_long(ll, lres);
        int st_try_read_and_lock_ptr(pl, pres);

                int els; int n; 
                st_int_loc_t * il;  int * ires;
                st_long_loc_t * ll; long * lres;
                st_ptr_loc_t * pl;  void ** pres;

Suppose il points to address a, st_read_and_lock_any_int(il, els, n, ires) locks any of locations { a, a + els, a + 2 els, ... , a + (n - 1) els }. It returns the index of the locked location. That is, if address a + k els, it returns k. It also writes the value previously written at a + k els to *ires. The locked location can then be freed by applying st_write_and_unlock_int on the address a + k els. st_read_and_lock_any_long and st_read_and_lock_any_ptr are similar functions for st_long_loc_t * and st_ptr_loc_t *, respectively.

These primitives are useful when multiple resources are available and you want to lock whatever resource is available.

st_try_read_and_lock_int(il, ires) tries to lock the location il. If it successfully obtains the lock, it writes the value previously written at il to *ires and returns zero. It otherwise returns -1. st_try_read_and_lock_long and st_try_read_and_lock_ptr are similar functions for st_long_loc_t * and st_ptr_loc_t *, respectively.

Fetch and Add


        int st_fetch_and_add_int(il, ix);
        long st_fetch_and_add_long(ll, lx);
                st_int_loc_t * il; int ix;
                st_long_loc_t * ll; long lx;

st_fetch_and_add_int atomically increments the value written at il by ix and returns the value previously written at il. st_fetch_and_add_long is a similar function for st_long_loc_t *.



        void st_yield();

temporarily deschedules the current thread. The thread will be scheduled later. For most parallel programs, there should be no reasons why you have to deschedule a thread that is runnable. We discourage using this procedure to wait for a particular event to occur. In such circumstances, you have to suspend the thread and let another thread resume it when a condition is satisfied.

Stacks and Contexts

There are several procedures that inform you of the use of stack of the running worker. All these procedures are normally of no interest for you. They are provided primarily for debugging and understanding stack usage and for precisely controlling when stack frames are reused.

Examine Current Stack Size


        long st_stack_used_bytes()

returns the stack size of the calling worker in bytes. It returns the distance between the current stack top and the stack bottom. It specifically does not return the stack limit, but return the size of the stack currently occupied. The stack size increases when a procedure is called and may decrease when a procedure is returned or ST_POLLING or ST_FREE_STACK is called.

Show Stack Trace


        void st_stack_trace()
        void st_show_context(c)
                st_context_t c;
        void st_show_exported_frames()
        int st_n_live_exported_frames()

st_stack_trace() prints stack trace of the calling worker, from the current frame down to the stack bottom. It stops printing when it reaches the stack bottom of the calling worker, 50 frames have been printed, or when it encounters any procedure that is not postprocessed. It stops printing after printing 50 frames to safely print corrupted stacks. If you want to print more frames, find definition of MAX_STACK_TRACE_DEPTH in st.c, change it as you like and recompile the library).

st_show_context(c), where c is a pointer to a context filled by st_suspend_thread, displays frames represented by c.

st_show_exported_frames() displays suspended contexts that are allocated in the calling worker's stack. st_n_exported_frames() returns the number of such contexts.

Invoke Stack Management


        void ST_FREE_STACK()

invokes a stack management. This examines frames that are no longer used and reset the stack pointer of the calling worker to an appropriate point (the point above which there are no frames still used). This is implicitly called when you perform ST_POLLING(), so this should be usually of no interest for you. Use this API only when you understand how StackThreads/MP works and when you want to free stack frames without causing thread migration.

Stack Pointers and Frame Pointers


        void * asm_get_fp()
        void * asm_get_sp()
        void * asm_get_gp()

asm_get_fp() returns the frame pointer, asm_get_sp() the stack pointer. On machines that have a global register, asm_get_gp() returns the value of the global register. On machines that do not have a global register, asm_get_gp() is not available. Every procedure returns the value visible to the calling procedure. For example, when a procedure f calls asm_get_fp(), it returns the value of the frame pointer register when f is running.

When a procedure calls asm_get_fp() and asm_get_sp(), you may be surprised at their values; in StackThreads/MP execution, the frame pointer register always points to the running frame, whereas the stack pointer register always points to the stack top of the worker. These two values do not significantly differ in sequential execution, because both point to the frame allocated at the stack top. In StackThreads/MP, however, a running frame may not be on the stack top and may be far away from the stack top. It may even be another worker's stack.

Also, when a procedure calls asm_get_sp() several times, it may return different values each time. This is also because other frames may be above the running frame. The value of asm_get_fp(), on the other hand, returns the same value, as long as they are called from the same procedure. The returned value thus serves as the identifier of the procedure call.



        void st_config_profile_resolution(resolution);
               int resolution;
        void st_config_profile_max_intervals(buffer_size);
               int buffer_size;
        void st_config_profile_filename_prefix(filename);
               char * filename;
        void st_begin_profile();
        void st_end_profile();

See section Performance Profiler for more information.



        long st_current_time_ms()
        long st_current_time_us()

return the current (real) time in milliseconds and microseconds, respectively. The absolute value does not make sense; the only difference between two calls do. The resolution depends on the operating system. Specifically, on Windows NT, the resolution is 10ms, so st_current_time_us is no more useful than st_current_time_ms.

Workers and Worker Groups

A worker refers to an underlying OS-thread such as a thread of Solaris Thread library or Pthreads library. Normally, StackThreads/MP program creates a fixed number of workers at program initialization and they share threads created by st_main, directly or indirectly. In this simple use of StackThreads/MP, you do not have to understand the following procedures and do not even have to know the notion of workers or worker groups.

StackThreads/MP allows other ways to access the provided multithreading facility. Specifically, you can dynamically create another group of workers and add workers to an existing group. Creating a group of workers dynamically is useful in several circumstances. First, when you want to have multiple groups of workers and to keep them isolated; threads are shared only among workers within a single group and threads are never migrated from one group to another. Second, creating a group of workers at runtime allows you to increase or decrease the number of OS-threads (the number of threads visible to OS) according to the application's need. In particular, an application can spend most of the time with a single thread and create a group of workers to perform a compute-intensive task in parallel. When the task is finished, all workers will die and the application goes back to its single-threaded state. Actually, such an application could be built without dynamically creating worker groups, if you do not care about the fact that many idle threads may consume CPU time when the application has no parallelism. Third, unlike other StackThreads/MP procedures, the procedure that creates a worker group (stf_create_worker_group) can be called from programs that is not compiled by stgcc. Thus, it can be used as a callback from library whose source is not available.

Create A Group


        #include <st_foreign.h>
        void* stf_create_sync_worker_group(wgc, n, f, a0, a1, a2, a3)
        void  stf_create_async_worker_group(wg, wgc, n, f, a0, a1, a2, a3)
        void* stf_wait_for_wg_to_exit(wg)
        int   stf_did_wg_exit(wg)
                struct worker_group * wg; 
                struct worker_group_conf * wgc; 
                int n;
                void * (*f)(void *, void *, void *, void*);
                void * a0, * a1, * a2, * a3;

Both stf_create_sync_worker_group and stf_create_async_worker_group create a group of workers that initially consists of n workers. f specifies the entry function and a0 ... a3 its arguments; the group as a whole performs f(a0, a1, a2, a3), sharing threads created directly or indirectly from f. wg is a pointer to an uninitialized storage of type struct worker_group.

Created workers exit when f returns, no matter whether there are running threads that belong to the group. stf_create_sync_worker_group returns when workers exit. The return value is the return value of f.

On the other hand, stf_create_async_worker_group returns immediately. stf_wait_for_wg_to_exit(wg) waits for workers that belong to wg to exit (by blocking the underlying worker) and returns the return value of the entry function of wg. stf_did_wg_exit(wg) returns 1 if workers that belong to wg have already exited and 0 otherwise.

Add a Slave Worker


        void st_add_slave_worker()

adds a worker to the worker group that the current thread belongs to. Currently there are no ways to remove a worker from a group.

Check Messages between Workers


        void ST_STEAL_REQ_CHECK();

checks if an idle worker in the same group as the calling worker is requesting a thread migration from the calling worker. If it is, it gives an appropriate thread to the requesting worker. This is implicitly called by ST_POLLING(), so this should be usually of no interest for you. Use this API only when you understand how StackThreads/MP works and when you want to migrate threads without freeing stack frames.

Deschedule Worker


        void st_yield_os_thread()
        void st_sleep_os_thread_ms(ms)
                int ms;

st_yield_os_thread() instructs the operating system to temporarily deschedule the calling worker (not thread). Recall that in general many threads are running on top of a worker. Descheduling a worker effectively deschedules all threads that are running on top of it.

The exact effect depends on the operating system and the underlying execution machinery of OS-level threads. Specifically, it is likely to have no effects when the number of workers are less than the number of available CPUs.

st_sleep_os_thread_ms(ms) instructs the operating system to deschedule the calling worker (not thread) for ms microseconds.

Use these APIs only when you understand how StackThreads/MP works and you are sure they are really necessary. Specifically, it is usually a bad idea to call these primitives to achieve a synchronization. You should normally suspend the current thread (not the entire worker) and explicitly resume it when it can make a further progress.




These two procedures together declare that the surrounding procedure may be called from a sequential procedure (a procedure that is compiled by plain gcc). When a procedure f is called from a sequential procedure, ST_CALLBACK_BEGIN() must be placed in the top of f's variable declaration (ST_CALLBACK_BEGIN() is a macro that is expanded into a variable declaration). ST_CALLBACK_END() must be placed immediately before returning from f. More precisely, f must execute ST_CALLBACK_BEGIN() before any sub-procedure call in f and ST_CALLBACK_END() after any sub-procedure call in f. ST_CALLBACK_END() may syntactically appear twice or more (unless only one of them is executed at runtime). See section Cooperating with Sequential Modules for more about this topic.

Graceful Exits


        void st_wg_exit(wv);
        void st_wg_die(wv);
        void st_app_exit(av);
        void st_app_die(av);
                void * wv; int av;

st_wg_exit(wv) exits the worker group the calling thread belongs to and returns wv as the return status of the worker group. When the worker group is the toplevel group, the group that executes st_main, it exits the entire application. This is the preferred way of terminating an application.

st_wg_die(lv) behaves like st_wg_exit(av), except that it prints stack trace of the calling worker before exiting. It is advisable to call this procedure whenever a fatal error occurs, so that the application prints some useful pieces of information for debugging.

st_app_exit(av) simply kills the entire application by exit(av) on UNIX. st_app_die(av)) behaves like st_app_exit(av), except it prints the stack trace of the calling worker before dying.

Thread Manipulation

Suspending A Thread


        void st_suspend_thread(st_context_t c);

where st_context_t is defined as follows:

        typedef struct st_context * st_context_t;

This procedure and the next (resume_context) are the bottom-level primitives on top of which you can build synchronization. We do not expect (and do not want) the programmers to write a program at this level. We still describe them because they are sometimes useful to implement a new synchronization primitive that cannot be easily synthesized from existing ones.

st_suspend_thread suspends (or blocks) a current thread and fills the structure pointed to by C with pieces of information, which we call the `context' of the thread, so that another thread can later resume it. Upon calling this procedure, a field `valid' must be cleared (filled by zero). Here is an example that illustrates the correct use of this procedure:

        struct st_context c[1];
        c->valid = 0;
           ... (xxx) ...

The control does not immediately return to ... (xxx) .... It will be executed only when somebody explicitly resumes it (by st_resume_context described next).

When C->valid == 0, it indicates that the structure is going to be filled by a context of a thread, but it has not been completely filled. st_suspend_thread sets `valid' to 1 when it is ready to be scheduled. Before anything else, st_suspend_thread checks if C->valid is cleared and signals a runtime error if it is not.

In most cases, you want to store the pointer c to somewhere else before calling st_suspend_thread, so that another thread can find it. Typically, c is stored in some sort of "waiting queue," in which threads are waiting for a condition to be satisfied. To do this, you must do the following steps in the right order.

  1. clear c,
  2. store c somewhere, and
  3. call st_suspend_thread.

The order between 1 and 2 is important; otherwise, another thread may find c and try to resume it, while c has not been completely filled by st_suspend_thread.

Resuming A Thread


        void st_resume_context(st_context_t c);

st_resume_context is the bottom level primitive that resumes a thread that has been suspended by st_suspend_thread. It takes a pointer to a structure struct st_context that has been passed to st_suspend_thread, and resumes the execution of the thread that called st_suspend_thread.

Procedure Information


        st_proc_info_t st_get_proc_info(pc, zero_if_not_found, pi)
                void * pc; int zero_if_not_found; st_proc_info_t pi;
        int st_is_fork_point(pc)
                void * pc;
        void st_add_procedure_information_table(table)
                st_proc_info_t * table;

Not documented yet.

Thread and Worker ID


       extern long tls(worker_id);
       long st_n_current_workers();
       extern long tls(thread_id);

tls(worker_id) is an identifier of the calling worker within the worker group it belongs to. It holds a value from zero to n-1, where n is the number of workers withing the worker group the calling worker belongs to. When a worker group is created by stf_create_async_worker_group or stf_create_sync_worker_group, the entry function starts execution on the worker zero.

tls(thread_id) is a global identifier of the calling worker. It holds from zero to n-1, where n is the number of workers which have ever been created from the beginning of the program execution. The same identifier is (currently) not reused.

st_n_current_workers() returns the number of workers that currently belongs to the worker group that the calling worker belongs to. The worker group is initially created with the number of workers specified with the argument to stf_create_async_worker_group or stf_create_sync_worker_group (or the argument to -nw option in the case of the toplevel worker group) and may later be extended by st_add_worker(). The value returned by st_n_current_workers() at any moment may be smaller than the number of workers you have requested to create. For example, if you create a worker group that initially has 4 workers and performed st_add_worker() 3 times, st_n_current_workers() at a given moment may return any value from 1 to 7.

tls(worker_id) and tls(thread_id) can be used to guarantee that accesses to a single location do not occur concurrently. For example, the following code increments an element of a counter counters_array by one. The summation of all the elements in counters_array hold the total number of updates performed. Assuming counters_array is acceseed only from this worker group, there are no race conditions in counters_array because each access that may occur in parallel at runtime is given a unique value for tls(worker_id).


       x = compute_increment();
       counters_array[tls(worker_id)] += x;

Note that the value of tls(worker_id) or tls(thread_id) may change even within a single function, as a result of thread suspension or migration. Therefore, in practice, it is always dangerous to assume that they are persistent across a procedure call (including ST_POLLING() and ST_STEAL_REQ_CHECK()). For example, you cannot manually optimize away tls(worker_id) by caching it to a local variable; the following code is probably unsafe.


       w = tls(worker_id);
       x = compute_increment();
       counters_array[w] += x;

Here, there are no guarantee that w at the two increments corresponds to the current worker id, because compute_increment may cause the rest of the computation to block or migrate.

The difference between tls(worker_id) and tls(thread_id) is important only when you create multiple worker groups within a program. However, it is recommended that you use tls(worker_id) where possible, because such programs are likely to be reusable.

Having said all, using tls(worker_id) or tls(thread_id) to gurantee freedom from races are not recommended at all. It is advisable to use a general synchronization method or a spin lock method, such as semaphore or st_read_and_lock_any. For example, the following code achieves the same effect without using tls(worker_id), given that counters_array is an array of st_int_loc_t.


       int v;
       int x = compute_increment();
       int idx = st_read_and_lock_any_int(counters_array, 
                                          sizeof(st_int_loc_t), n, &v);
       st_write_and_unlock_int(counters_array + idx, v + x);

It dynamically finds a location that is not locked. The size of counters_array is now arbitrary; it does not have to match the number of workers just to avoid out of range indices.

Memory Management

It may sound strange to talk about memory management in this manual. Yes, you can call any memory allocation function, including the standard malloc, from StackThreads/MP programs. However, once you start using StackThreads/MP in any serious parallel programs, you will soon notice that the system's default "malloc" function becomes a severe bottleneck. More specifically, typical malloc functions (including ones in Solaris libc) simply serialize all malloc calls using a mutex. If many threads contend, they cause many thread context switches of the underlying workers. In my experience, calling mallocs within a parallel section almost always makes a significant (negative) effect on performance. There are many xxx-malloc libraries, but most of them similarly serialize all malloc calls or are simply MT-unsafe (sure?).

We therefore provide some recommended alternatives to malloc. We also provide a mechanism with which you can easily replace the underlying memory allocator without changing application sources. With this mechanism, you can switch between several memory allocators (including the system's malloc). In this way, you will know how important are they for performance of parallel programs and what I am saying is not just a threat :-)

There are two (orthogonal) alternatives to the default malloc. One is to replace malloc with SGC library, and the other is a region-based allocator built on top of an underlying malloc. They are orthogonal. You can use either of them or combine both. We describe them in the following sections and then describe a mechanism with which you can easily switch between different memory-management alternatives.

Parallel Conservative Garbage Collector (SGC)

SGC is a conservative garbage collection (GC) library for shared-memory platforms. Its interface is the same as malloc, but calls to malloc are serialized only occasionally. In addition, it provides GC. A GC is also performed in parallel. If your particular program suffers from GC, you can control when to invoke a GC for better performance. If you are a creature who irrationally thinks GC is a slow thing, you can turn off GC and explicitly free objects (in this case you are effectively using SGC as a concurrent malloc/free library). SGC is provided as a separate library. You can obtain it from To use it from StackThreads/MP programs, you must define WITH_STHREADS in when you compile it, and you must define WITH_SGC when you compile StackThreads/MP library. See README.parallel in SGC for details. It is currently available on SPARC (Solaris), Pentium (Solaris), and R10000 (IRIX). Port to Pentium on Linux will come soon. SGC was derived from Bohem's conservative GC library (which is mainly for sequential platforms) and can be used with or without StackThreads/MP.


The basic API is almost identical to malloc/free:


        #include <sgc.h>
        void * GC_MALLOC(sz);
                unsigned int sz;
        void GC_FREE(ptr)
                void * ptr;

Header file sgc.h comes with SGC, so you have to give an appropriate include search path to stgcc/stg++ (with -I$SGC_DIR, where $SGC_DIR is the directory when SGC is in).

GC_MALLOC(sz) allocates sz bytes of memory. GC_FREE(ptr), where ptr is a value previously returned by a call to GC_MALLOC, returns the allocated memory to the allocator. Functions and variables control behavior of SGC:

Controlling GC behavior


        void GC_gcollect(void);
        int GC_dont_gc = 0;
        int GC_free_space_divisor = 4;

GC_gcollect() explicitly triggers a GC at a point you desire. When GC_dont_gc is zero (this is the default), GC_MALLOC automatically triggers a GC when necessary. In this mode, you neither have to call GC_FREE nor GC_gcollect. When GC_dont_gc is non-zero, GC_MALLOC does not trigger GC (it always expands heap when heap overflows). You reclaim objects either by calling GC_gcollect at a point you desire or by calling GC_FREE on individual objects.

GC_free_space_divisor controls heap expansion policy. It only makes sense when GC_dont_gc is zero. The larger that value is, the more frequently GCs occur and the less aggressively the system expands heap. When heap overflows, SGC either triggers a GC or expands heap. Roughly, when this value is D, it tries to keep one Dth of heap available for allocation. More specifically, suppose a simple application that repeats allocating objects forever and keeps M bytes of them live all the time, the system tries to keep heap size (roughly) H to M + M/(D-1), so that H/D bytes are available for allocation. The long-term behavior in this case is that every H/D bytes of allocations trigger a GC, which reclaims H/D bytes from somewhere in heap. The default value is 4, meaning that it tries to keep 25% of the heap free for allocation. If you feel the system spends too much time on GC, set it to 3 or 2. Other values are hardly useful (note that D = 1 effectively prohibits GC).

There are other functions in SGC. See sgc.h and README.parallel in SGC.

Region-Based Memory Management

Memory management based on explicit regions is available on top of any malloc/free implementation. In this memory management model, an object is allocated on a specified region. You can dynamically create a region and then allocate an arbitrary number of objects in that region. Unlike malloc and free, you do not free individual objects; instead, you reset a region. Resetting a region reclaims all objects allocated in the region. The model is borrowed from Aiken and Gay, Memory-Management with Explicit Regions, PLDI 98, but is different from theirs in that (1) we do not provide any safety guarantee, (2) we do not require a dedicated compiler that understands region, and (3) we provide a reset operation, which make blocks associated with a region immediately reusable for subsequent allocations from the region.

Region Basics


        #include <ralloc.h>
        st_region_t st_make_region(void);
        void * st_region_malloc(sz, rg);
        void st_reset_region(rg);
        void st_abandon_region(rg);
                st_region_t rg;
                unsigned sz;

ralloc.h is located at a place stgcc automatically searches. st_make_region() creates a new region. st_region_malloc(sz, rg) allocates sz bytes of memory from region rg. st_reset_region(rg) resets region rg. That is, it makes all blocks allocated in region rg reusable for subsequent requests with st_region_malloc(..., rg). st_abandon_region(rg) is similar to st_reset_region(rg), but it abandons all blocks associated with rg; it gives them back to the underlying memory allocator.

A region abstracts objects' death point. The basic observation is that objects allocated during a course of computation often die together. Such objects can be allocated from a single region and then freed all at once. This saves time for memory management and avoids fragmentation without a general and sophisticated mechanism.

A region internally keeps as many free lists as the number of workers. Each worker has its own private free list. Each free list is a list of fixed-sized chunks. A single chunk is, by default, 7KB. Associated with a free list are the current chunk pointer (C), which points to the chunk from which allocations are served, the current chunk limit pointer (L), which points to the end of the current chunk, and the allocation pointer (A), which points to a point in the current chunk from which the next allocation will be served. An allocation simply checks if A + the requested size exceeds L, and if it does not, it returns A and advances it by the requested size. Otherwise, the allocation goes on to the next chunk, changing C, L, and A appropriately. When a worker runs out of its private free list, it calls the underlying memory allocator to obtain a new chunk. No attempts are made to obtain one from another worker's free list.

st_reset_region(rg) simply resets its current chunk pointer to the first chunk of the free list and sets other pointers accordingly. It does not give chunks to the underlying allocator. It is st_abandon_region(rg) that does this.

Creating A Region

When a region is created by st_make_region(), free lists are empty. Therefore, allocations from a region gradually grow its free lists, occasionally calling the underlying allocator. As is mentioned in the beginning of this section, it may still suffer performance of parallel sections, if the underlying allocator serializes all allocation requests. One idea is to use SGC as the underlying allocator. If you want to (or must) deal with this problem with the default malloc, you may pre-allocate some chunks upon region creation. Here are the full APIs for creating regions. st_make_region() is repeated for completeness.


        #include <ralloc.h>
        st_make_region_aux(chunk_size, init_size,
                           pre_alloc_option, alloc, free);
        st_make_region_highly_concurrent_1(init_size, alloc, free);

With st_make_region_aux, you can control all the parameters. chunk_size is the size of a single chunk. It is the unit of allocation via the underlying allocator. alloc and free specify the underlying allocator; alloc is a function that behaves similarly to the malloc in libc, whereas free is a function that behaves similarly to free in libc.

init_size specifies the initial size of the region in bytes. Each worker allocates init_size/N bytes from the underlying allocator when it makes the first allocation from the region, where N is the number of workers in the worker group the calling worker belongs to. The net effect is that, the region soon becomes approximately init_size bytes in total as long as all workers will soon attempt to allocate at least one byte from this region. If you can approximate the total size of allocations that are going to be made from the region, you can give this value to avoid occasionally calling underlying allocators in parallel sections.

pre_alloc_option specifies whether this first allocation is made at the region's creation time. When pre_alloc_option == st_region_pre_allocated_option_none, no pre-allocation is performed upon creation. Each worker allocates the specified bytes upon first allocation. When pre_alloc_option == st_region_pre_allocated_option_self, the calling worker allocates the specified bytes only for the calling worker. When pre_alloc_option == st_region_pre_allocated_option_all, the calling worker allocates the specified bytes for all the workers.

A commonly used combination is provided by st_make_region_highly_concurrent_1. It intends to be useful for regions from which many allocations are going to be made in a parallel section. It allocates init_size bytes upon creation and evenly distributes them to all the workers. st_make_region_highly_concurrent is a simple wrapper to st_make_region_highly_concurrent_1. It gives the value of a macro RG_ALLOC_FUNC and RG_FREE_FUNC to st_make_region_highly_concurrent_1 as the underlying alloc and free functions, respectively. Their default values are the system malloc and free, respectively, but you can override them before including ralloc.h. For example,

        #define RG_ALLOC my_malloc
        #define RG_FREE my_free
        #include <ralloc.h>

replaces malloc/free with my_malloc/my_free.

How to Switch between Allocators

On top of two memory allocators described, StackThreads/MP provides a simple layer with which you can easily switch both the underlying allocator and whether the region-based allocator is used. The idea is that once you write a program in such a way that allocates and frees memory using the following primitives, you can experience several memory management mechanisms without changing your program.

Changing the Underlying Allocator


        #include <st_mm.h>
        void * MM_ALLOC(sz);
        void MM_FREE(ptr);
        void MM_ZERO_CLEAR(ptr, sz);
        void MM_GC_POINT();
        void MM_SETUP(fd);

They are macros whose behavior change according to the following parameter.

        #define UNDERLYING_MM ...

It chooses the basic memory allocator and can be selected from the following values:


UNDERLYING_MM_SGC_AUTO_GC uses SGC and relies on its automatic memory management. UNDERLYING_MM_SGC_EXP_GC uses SGC, but triggers GC only when explicitly requested by MM_GC_POINT(). UNDERLYING_MM_SGC_EXP_FREE uses SGC, but never frees objects by GC. Finally, UNDERLYING_MM_MALLOC uses the system's default malloc.

MM_ALLOC calls the appropriate allocator. MM_FREE(ptr) frees object pointed to by ptr when UNDERLYING_MM_SGC_EXP_FREE or UNDERLYING_MM_MALLOC is given, and otherwise has no effects. MM_ZERO_CLEAR(ptr, sz) clears a block of sz bytes from ptr, only when MM_ALLOC does not zero-fill allocated memory. Whenever you need to zero-clear allocated memory, use MM_ZERO_CLEAR instead of bzero, to avoid duplication of work in case MM_ALLOC already does it. MM_GC_POINT() invokes a GC when UNDERLYING_MM_SGC_EXP_GC is given, and has no effects otherwise. MM_SETUP(fd) sets GC_dont_gc parameter appropriately when a UNDERLYING_MM_SGC_xxx is given. It also sets GC_free_space_divisor to fd.

Changing Region-based Allocator

Interfaces to region-based memory manager is also wrapped.


        #include <st_mm.h>
        st_region_t MM_MAKE_REGION();
        st_region_t MM_MAKE_REGION_AUX(chunk_size, init_size, 
                                        pre_alloc_option, alloc, free);
        st_region_t MM_MAKE_REGION_HIGHLY_CONCURRENT_1(init_size, 
                                        alloc, free)
        void * MM_REGION_MALLOC(sz, rg);
        void MM_REGION_FREE(ptr);
        void MM_RESET_REGION(rg);
        void MM_ABANDON_REGION(rg);

They are macros whose behavior change according to the following parameter.

        #define RALLOC ...

RALLOC is either 0 or 1. When RALLOC is 1, all MM_REGION_xxx, except for MM_REGION_FREE(ptr), are equivalent to st_region_xxx. For example, MM_MAKE_REGION() is equivalent to st_make_region(). MM_REGION_FREE(ptr) has no effects. When RALLOC is 0, all MM_REGION_xxx things are redirected to the underlying allocator. For example, MM_REGION_MALLOC(sz, rg) ignores the region parameter and is equivalent to MM_ALLOC(sz). MM_REGION_FREE(ptr) behaves like MM_FREE(ptr).

Alloca is not supported (yet)

alloca is sometimes used to optimize memory allocation. It behaves like malloc, but automatically frees the allocated storage when the procedure that called it returns. It is normally implemented by allocating a block of memory on top of the stack, effectively extending the currently running frame.

I have to tell you that alloca is currently not supported with StackThreads/MP, as the standard implementation of alloca fundamentally conflicts with the execution scheme of StackThreads/MP. Please use above alternatives (malloc, SGC, or region-based allocator). Region-based allocator will be particularly useful when a single procedure calls alloca many times, as blocks allocated in a single procedure die together.

stgcc currently redefines alloca as the name of an undefined function, so that programs that use alloca fail to link. If you want to optimize allocation on thin ice, you can call the builtin alloca function (__builtin_alloca), as long as you know it is safe. Calling __builtin_alloca from a procedure is safe, as long as the procedure does not call any procedure compiled by stgcc. In other words, if you place all calls to __builtin_alloca to the procedure entry, you are safe.

We are planning to support alloca in future, although it will not allocate memory from stack but from heap. Like standard alloca, it automatically frees memory allocated by a procedure after the procedure exits. However, it will not be as efficient as __builtin_alloca; its overhead is likely to be similar to that of the region-based allocator.

Performance Profiler

StackThreads/MP has a simple performance profiler with which you can view the status of each processor after running a program. It is not a real time profiler and the interface is not sophisticated, but it is still very useful to identify performance bottleneck. To use this, you run your program with -tp option, convert the log into xgraph format, and then look at it using xgraph. You need xgraph to use this feature.

Profiling your program

The most convenient way is to run your program with -tp option. For example,

        harp:367% ./fib -nw 10 -tp
        pfib: 1091 ms on 10 processors, sfib: 2062 ms

It produces a lot of files whose names are 00stprof.xx.yy (where xx and yy is a number) in the current directory. Using 10 processors, you typically have 10 files.

You may want to profile a particular section of your program. In such cases, add a call to st_begin_profile() where you want to begin profiling and st_end_profile() where you want to finish profiling. Currently, you can call them only once in a program run.

The resolution of profiling is, by default, 100 microseconds. Each processor measures how much time it spends in each state (busy, idle, etc.) and, at every 100 microseconds, calculates the dominating state of that period. The log file records a state of each period. You can change the resolution of profiling by command line option --time_profile_resolution S, where S specifies the length of a period in microseconds. Specifying a large number saves space but the result may be inaccurate. Specifying a smaller number makes result more reliable at the expense of space.

Each processor keeps a fixed sized buffer for accumulating profiles and saves it into a file when the buffer overflows (and when the profile is finished). It may introduce a large Heisenberg effect into your profiling. You can increase the size of the in-memory buffer by --time_profile_buffer_size N where N specifies the number of entry in an in-memory buffer. The default is 8100. N does not necessarily represent the number of periods you can tolerate without saving the in-memory profile into a secondary storage, because a single entry describes a number of consecutive periods in a single state. For example, a processor is busy most of the time, the necessary storage will be quite small.

Viewing profiled results

To convert generated log files into xgraph format, use mkxgrp. It takes two parameters. One is the prefix of filename (00stprof if you did not give one explicitly when you ran the application) and the other is the number of processors and writes to standard out. For example,

        harp:367% mkxgrp 00stprof 10 > data.xg

produces an xgraph file called data.xg from files named 00stprof.xx.yy in the current directory. Files 00stprof.xx.yy are removed when data.xg the output is successfully generated.

Cooperating with Sequential Modules

This chapter describes issues that may arise when StackThreads/MP modules cooperate with sequential modules. In this chapter, a procedure is said to be a StackThreads/MP procedure when it is compiled via stgcc (or stg++). A procedure is otherwise said to be a sequential procedure. Whether a procedure actually does something in parallel is irrelevant. There is a set of rules for calling sequential procedure from within a StackThreads/MP procedure and another set of rules for calling in the other direction.

Remember that stgcc can almost always substitute gcc, therefore you can make any C procedure a StackThreads/MP procedure by recompiling it by stgcc. So you can normally avoid complication by recompiling everything with stgcc. You may still want to have non-StackThreads/MP module either because the source of the sequential module is not available or because recompiling for StackThreads/MP is undesirable.

Calling Sequential Procedure from StackThreads/MP Procedure

There are almost no issues in this direction. A StackThreads/MP procedure can call any sequential procedure, as long as it does not call back any StackThreads/MP procedure. Issues that arise due to callbacks are discussed in the next section.

More precisely, StackThreads/MP procedures can safely call a sequential procedure provided (1) it does not perform a call back to StackThreads/MP, and (2) it conforms to the calling standard on the platform. Most sequential compilers generate procedures that conform to the calling standard, therefore, as an approximation, you can call virtually any sequential procedure, whether it is written in C, Pascal, Eiffel or whatever.

By "you can call a sequential procedure", we simply mean that you can correctly pass arguments and get the result of the procedure call. Specifically, it is completely the responsibility of the programmer that guarantees its proper functioning in the pre-sense of multiple threads of control. If the sequential procedure is already MT-safe (i.e., works correctly in the presence of multiple threads of control), you do not have to do anything special. Otherwise, you may have to make it MT-safe or guard the procedure call by some sort of mutual exclusion.

Calling StackThreads/MP Procedure from Sequential Procedure

First of all, you cannot call any StackThreads/MP procedure from a sequential procedure by default. A special setup procedure is mandatory. This is primarily because StackThreads/MP procedures reserve a register and assume that the register always holds the pointer to the worker-local storage, and a sequential procedure does not know the fact. Even if a StackThreads/MP procedure does not call any StackThreads/MP primitive that explicitly accesses a worker-local storage, it does so in its epilogue code. Therefore, as an approximation, remember that you cannot call any StackThreads/MP procedure unless you follow the necessary steps described below.

We provide two ways for different situations. One is suitable when you want to extract parallelism in the callback. The other is suitable when the amount of work done in the callback is very small.

Create a Worker Group

StackThreads/MP provides a convenient way to create a worker group that executes a given StackThreads/MP procedure (stf_create_sync_worker_group and stf_create_async_worker_group). They serve as gates from a sequential procedure to any StackThreads/MP procedure. They create a specified number of workers, setup pointers to the worker local storages, and then call the specified entry procedure. The entry procedure is a StackThreads/MP procedure and thus is allowed to access any StackThreads/MP primitives.

        void* stf_create_sync_worker_group(wgc, n, f, a0, a1, a2, a3)
                worker_group_conf_t wgc; int n;
                void * (*f)(void *, void *, void *, void*);
                void * a0, * a1, * a2, * a3;

creates n workers and creates a group of n workers. The job of the worker group is given by an entry procedure f and arguments to it (a0 ... a3). Specifically, the worker group's job is to complete a procedure call f(a0, a1, a2, a3). stf_create_sync_worker_group returns when f(a0, a1, a2, a3) returns. The return value of f(a0, a1, a2, a3) becomes the return value of the stf_create_sync_worker_group. If non-zero value is given to wgc, it is a pointer to a structure that describes configuration options of the worker. If wgc is zero, a default configuration is used. stf_create_sync_worker_group can be called both from a sequential procedure and from a StackThreads/MP procedure. If you call this procedure from a sequential module (a module that is compiled by plain gcc), include <st_foreign.h>, which defines the correct prototype for the procedure.

For example, suppose you are writing an X Window application and wish to add a callback function that uses StackThreads/MP primitives. Also assume that you don't want to recompile the Xlib or your administrator didn't allow you to replace nor duplicate it, thus the Xlib itself must remain sequential. In this case, you first write a StackThreads/MP procedure that accomplishes your job.

... my_st_proc(...)
  /* do whatever you can do with 
     StackThreads/MP */

You may want to write a wrapper procedure of the above function, so that the entry procedure conforms to the interface of stf_create_sync_worker_group. The wrapper's job is simply to pass parameters to the above procedure, possibly casting them to meaningful types. It must be a StackThreads/MP procedure.

void * my_st_proc_wrapper(void * a0, void * a1, void * a2, void * a3)
    /* you translate arguments somehow */
    /* and call my_st_proc to do a real job */

Finally, you write a callback procedure that invokes the entry procedure and registers it. This must be a sequential procedure (compiled by a plain C compiler), because X library calls that procedure.

void my_callback(...)
  int n = ...;
  void * a0 = ..., * a1 = ..., 
       * a2 = ...; * a3 = ...;
  stf_create_sync_worker(0, n, my_st_proc_entry, a0, a1, a2, a3);

  XAddCallback(my_callback, ...);

stf_create_async_worker is an asynchronous version of stf_create_sync_worker. See section Workers and Worker Groups for details.

Setup TLS Pointers

The method just described is suitable when the following conditions are satisfied:

There are situations where the method is not very appropriate. For example, you may want to write a tiny procedure for comparing two items and pass it to qsort function or write a tiny callback procedure that just displays a menu. Such procedures have nothing to do with parallelism, hence creating a worker group for each callback is impractical.

StackThreads/MP provides a way to declare that a StackThreads/MP procedure may be called from a sequential procedure. Specifically, A StackThreads/MP procedure can be safely called from a sequential procedure when the following conditions are met:

Procedures written according to these rules may be called both from sequential procedures and from StackThreads/MP procedures. Here is an example:

int less_than_p(void * a, void * b)
  int xa = evaluate(a);
  int xb = evaluate(b);
  return xa - xb;

Here, evaluate may be a sequential procedure, a regular StackThreads/MP procedure, or another StackThreads/MP procedure that again surrounds its body by ST_CALLBACK_BEGIN() and ST_CALLBACK_END().

With this setup, you can pass the function less_than_p to the qsort:

qsort(a, n, sizeof(element), less_than_p);

In the above three rules, the last one is very restrictive. In essence, it says that even though such a callback procedure is compiled as a StackThreads/MP procedure, it must stay sequential, in the sense it does not use any threading operation. In our example, evaluate may not use StackThreads/MP primitives such as ST_POLLING, ST_THREAD_CREATE, and other synchronization primitives.

You might ask, "Given a callback cannot call any StackThreads/MP primitives after all, why do I want to write it as a StackThreads/MP procedure?" As a matter of fact, you can always write all such procedures in a separate file and compile them using plain gcc. What the current StackThreads/MP currently supports is no more powerful than this solution. We provide these declarations to allow callbacks and proper StackThreads/MP procedures to be written in a single file.

Command Summary

STGCC/STG++: A wrapper for GCC

stgcc or stg++ are shell scripts that call gcc or g++, respectively. Below we say gcc to refer to both gcc and g++, and use stgcc to refer to both stgcc and stg++.

What it basically does is to intercept the compilation process that outputs object file just after gcc emits assembly, extract some information about stack frame formats of each procedure from, and put some tricky pieces of code at each procedure epilogue sequence.

stgcc is intended to be usable wherever gcc is used, unless a command line option fundamentally conflicts with what StackThreads/MP assumes. Most command line options are passed as is to gcc, but it must recognize some of the parameters that controls compilation. Certainly you do not have to know what it is exactly doing and you should not even have to learn anything, as long as you already know gcc.

What you have to know, however, is things that might conflict with your tricky way of using gcc. At present, stgcc does not produce any error even when a conflicting option is given. So, it is possible that even when a compilation succeeds, the resulting program is erroneous. We are trying to improve this in future. To be sure, give --show_commands option to stgcc, which displays invoked subcommands.

  1. A register is reserved for a OS-thread local storage and other must not be reserved. StackThreads/MP assumes that one register is reserved to access a thread-local storage (by -ffixed-REG in gcc). The reserved register is: Options are automatically specified by stgcc so you do not normally notice this. But if you want to reserve this register or another for your purpose, this is likely to be a problem. Contact me if you want to do this anyway.
  2. stgcc turns off inlining by giving -fno-inline-functions and -fno-default-inline to gcc. We assume that a procedure call written in ST_CREATE_THREAD(e) is translated into a procedure call in assembly level. In other words, e must not be inlined. This may severely hurt performance of some programs, but for now there are no ways to prohibit inlining of a particular call site or a particular function. You can instruct the compiler to explicitly inline some functions by giving inline directive before a procedure definition.
  3. stgcc gives -fno-omit-frame-pointer to gcc, so that each procedure keeps a separate frame pointer. Therefore giving -fomit-frame-pointer to stgcc conflicts with this. This has no performance effects on i386 and SPARC, but may have some on Mips and Alpha.
  4. On SPARC, stgcc turns off the use of register windows by giving -mflat to gcc. Hence giving -mno-flat to stgcc conflicts with this.

To summarize, the following options are prohibited in StackThreads/MP.

  1. -finline-functions, -fdefault-inline, -fomit-frame-pointer, and -ffixed-REG are prohibited on all CPUs
  2. -mno-flat is prohibited on SPARC

Here is the list of options supported by stgcc, in addition to all options supported by gcc.

Normally, stgcc defines STHREADS to 1. When --no_postprocess is given, stgcc does not define STHREADS but instead defines STHREADS_NOPP to 1.

STLINK: A Wrapper for Linker

stlink is a command that is invoked from stgcc. It is again a shell script that eventually calls a linker (it actually calls gcc or g++). When an assembly file is postprocessed, stgcc generates pieces of information about procedures in the file and attaches them in the assembly file. The assembly file is then compiled into an object file. At link time, stlink collects all these tables and generate a single table that point to tables of all files. The table is generated in a form of a C source file, compiled by gcc (by default), and then linked together with all other files. It also collects thread startup hooks and worker startup hooks and generate a table of them.

Since this command is implicitly invoked by stgcc, it should be usually of no interest for the programmer. We nevertheless describe it for its potential use in debugging strange link-time errors.

Accepted command line options are again the same as those of gcc or g++ (specified by --linker= option described below). Most options are passed as is to gcc or g++. Here is the list of options specific to stlink.

  1. --dbg shows the command lines of the invoked subcommands. If you get a strange link time error, run the same command with this option. You normally implicitly use stlink from stgcc, you may not know how stlink is invoked. In this case, first run stgcc with --dbg option and see its output. You will find a line that invokes stlink. Copy the line and add --dbg option.
  2. --linker=cc specifies the underlying linker (which actually must be either gcc or g++) invoked by stlink. The default is gcc.
  3. --compiler=cc specifies the compiler used to compile the generated table file. The default is gcc and I don't think of any reason why you have to change this (even if you are linking C++ programs).

We describe a little more details about its semantics and machinery. It collects all procedure tables and thread/worker startup hooks from files specified via explicit filenames (such as xxx.o or xxx.a) or libraries found under explicit search pathos (via -Lxxx). For example,

stlink a.o b.a c.o -L. -L../lib -lmylib

will collect tables and hooks from a.o, b.a, and c.o which are assumed to be found in the current directory and may collect them also from libmylib.a, if it is found in the current directory (.) or ../lib directory. Tables and hooks in libmylib.a will not be collected when it is found in other directories that do not explicitly appear in the command line. Specifically, standard libraries such as libc or pthread are not examined. In short, stlink does not know standard library search paths.

stlink uses nm command to collect tables and hooks from object files. For each file to be examined, it invokes nm and scans the output to find the table and hooks. Simple naming rules are assumed to find them. A surprising thing might occur when you accidently use names that are recognized as hooks or tables. To list them,

Command Line Options Common for All StackThreads/MP Programs

Any StackThreads/MP program accepts the following command line arguments. A shorter synonym is provided for commonly used ones. These command line arguments are effective only when you do not write your own main function but write st_main.

These command line arguments are removed from the command line before entering st_main and only remaining arguments are passed to st_main. For example, when you write:

        ./fib -nw 10 30 -ps

then the st_main of this program will receive only

        { "./fib" "30" }

as its second parameter (argv) and receive 2 as its first parameter argc.

Applying Safety Patches to GCC

Although StackThreads/MP can be practically used with unmodified GCC, there are certain cases where execution scheme of StackThreads/MP breaks the assumption that code generator of GCC exploits for optimization (See section Known Limitations and Subtleties for descrpitions about such cases). We provide simple extensions to gcc that fix the problem in a form of patches to gcc ( and 2.8.1). Note that this is not a bug of gcc, but just a subtle mismatch between StackThreads/MP execution scheme and the sequential exeuction scheme that is assumed by the compiler. Patches are quite small (essential modifications are just a few lines) and the patched gcc supports a couple of additional command-line options. Without these command-line options, the patched gcc functions exactly the same as the original gcc. Even when these command-line options are given, generated code is different only in cases where the original generated code is unsafe. Of course, generated code is always compatible (inter-operable) with code compiled normally (code compiled with such an option can call functions compiled normally, and vice versa). Therefore, the patched gcc can safely replace the existing gcc, if you do not like having two copies of gcc. You need not recompile any sequential library compiled by the original gcc (such as X library and Tk library).

Modifications to source code are always guarded by:

modified source
#else /* !defined(STHREADS_SAFE) || STHREADS_SAFE */
original source
#endif /* !defined(STHREADS_SAFE) || STHREADS_SAFE */

so that you can revert to the original code by defining flag STHREADS_SAFE to zero. Note that if STHREADS_SAFE is undefined (this is default), the modified source is used.

The patch is not a requirement for StackThreads/MP installation. In practice, you can start using the library with unmodified gcc and later apply the patch, when you like to use the library for serious purposes. If you do not want to patch gcc, you can workaround them by hand. Problematic cases are described below and you can avoid them (in particular, if StackThreads/MP is used as a compilation target, the frontend compiler are likely to be able to deal with them). If you want to worry about them and guarrantee safety, however, we recommend you to apply the patch to gcc someday. These patches are important only on SPARC and i386.

How to Apply Patches

Patches are placed in directory gccpatch in a form of diffs to sources of gcc and gcc 2.8.1. The name of the files are gcc-patch. and gcc-patch.2.8.1, respectively. If you are going to use gcc or gcc 2.8.1, just copy the appropriate patch file to the source directory (the directory where files like calls.c and flags.h exist) and do:

patch -p 0 < patch-file

where patch-file is either gcc-patch. or gcc-patch.2.8.1.

If the version number of your gcc source is neither nor 2.8.1, you may still have a chance to apply the patches mechanically, as long as the major version number matches. Just try the same command and look at messages from patch command. Even if you fail, since patches are very small, it is practical to apply them by hand.

Using Patched GCC

Once you successfully patch gcc sources and rebuild gcc, you setup things so that stgcc exploits it.

Detailed Description of Patches

Here we describe what these patches do in detail. The purpose is to give information to an expert. The following description makes sense only when you understand what is the problem with the original gcc. See section Floating SP Problem and section Structure passing on SPARC for the description of the problems with the original gcc.

Advanced Topics

This chapter describes what happens on ST_THREAD_CREATE and how threads are distributed across processors. We then make a few remarks on programming practices that should be adopted and avoided, and on where should you insert ST_POLLING.

How does it work, basically?

Suppose procedure f calls ST_THREAD_CREATE(g()), f performs a normal C procedure call g(). What is important here is that it performs the procedure call just as if it were a sequential call. It also records the fact that the procedure call is a fork point. This way, the runtime system knows that the rest of f can progress even when g is blocked, or when an idle worker shows up. The exact method by which we record a fork point is unimportant; we note that it only takes a couple of instructions.

If g() terminates without blocking, it returns to f just as a normal procedure returns. What happens when g blocks? A thread blocks , for example, g calls st_mutex_lock(j), but m is currently locked by another thread. In this case, we must be able to suspend execution of g for now and later resume it when m is unlocked. We achieve this by splitting the stack at the fork point where g was spawned; the activation frame of g is logically decoupled from the stack and the rest of f continues (when f is still not migrated to another worker). g's activation frame physically remains in the original stack, occupying the top portion of the stack. Stack pointer is kept above g, while frame pointer now points to f (we use a terminology as if a stack grows upward. A frame x is above y if x is nearer to the growing end of the stack than y). Subsequent procedure calls by f allocate a frame above g. When g later restarts its computation, g frame is logically connected to the current frame and becomes the child of it. This frame may of course be different from g's original caller. When g terminates, the control returns to the new parent, not the original caller.

In general, each worker maintains its stack pointer below any unfinished frame. A procedure call or ST_THREAD_CREATE allocates a new frame above stack pointer. Frames of blocked (yet unfinished) threads are logically decoupled from the stack, but physically stay within the stack. Frames of restarted threads are reconnected to the stack.

Leaving blocked frames in their original positions and making further allocations on top of them, we may leave free spaces in a middle of a stack. We do not try to reuse such holes within a stack. We always allocate a new frame on top of the stack. Once a region becomes free in a middle of a stack, it is reused only when no spaces are occupied above it. When such a situation occurs, stack pointer is reset to top of the unfinished frames. Exact details as to how to reclaim such spaces is not described here; we only mention that such reclamation of space occurs when the programmer calls ST_POLLING. This is the first reason why you have to call ST_POLLING periodically.

What about thread migration? Interestingly, a thread migration is just a combination of thread blocks and a resume. Suppose that both f and g are in worker W's stack and W wants to migrate f to another (idle) worker U. At this point, W temporarily blocks g and resumes f. Next f also temporarily blocks and resumes the parent of f. The parent of f passes the context of f to U through shared-memory and then restarts g. U picks up the context of f and restarts it.

In general, to migrate a thread from W to U, W first blocks all frame above the migrating thread. Next W blocks the migrating thread too. W then restarts threads above the migrating thread. The migrating thread is picked up by U and restarted. This way, the migrating thread is pulled out from one stack and reconnected to another.

A thread migration also occurs when ST_POLLING is called. When a worker becomes idle, it randomly selects another worker and sends a request. ST_POLLING checks whether a request has arrived to the calling worker and if it has, performs the above operation to migrate a thread to the idle worker. This is the second (and the last) reason why you have to call ST_POLLING periodically.

The remaining question is, when a worker gets a request, how does it select a thread to migrate. We simply migrate the thread at the bottom of the stack. For example, suppose f performs ST_THREAD_CREATE(g()), g performs ST_THREAD_CREATE(h()), and ST_POLLING() finds a request from an idle worker. In this case, f migrates. When the second request soon arrives to the same worker, then g migrates. When call tree is fairly balanced, as in the Fibonacci example (See section An Example), this strategy works very well; all workers will soon get a sub-tree which is fairly near to the root and concentrate on their local work. With this task distribution strategy in mind, let's go on to the next section.

A recommended programming style for performance

There are many ways to express parallelism that exist in your program. Consider you want to perform 100,000 procedure calls f(i) (i = 0, ... 99,999) in parallel. It is most likely to be written using a for loop if they were done in series:

        for (i = 0; i < 100,000; i++) {

Therefore, you are likely to parallelize it as follows (actually, f may take extra arguments to achieve synchronization, and we may have to insert some ST_POLLINGs, but we ignore them for simplicity):

        for (i = 0; i < 100,000; i++) {

This works only when each f involves a significant amount of work.

To directly get to the point, the recommended style is so-called divide-and-conquer method. We introduce an auxiliary function f_aux(p, q), which performs f(p), ... , f(q-1), and perform recursive calls in parallel (again, synchronization and ST_POLLING are omitted).

        f_aux(p, q) {
          if (p + 1 == q) f(p);
          else {
            m = (p + q) / 2;
            ST_THREAD_CREATE(f_aux(p, m));
            f_aux(m, q));

This works well even when each f(p) does a small amount of work. The previous section has explained why this style works.

(This code performs roughly the same number of procedure calls to f_aux as the number of procedure calls to f. Therefore it adds the overhead of an extra procedure call to each f. If f is too tiny to tolerate this overhead, change the condition in the second line so that f_aux performs several calls to f in a sequential loop. For example:

        f_aux(p, q) {
          if (p + T >= q) {
            for (i = p; i < q; i++) f(i);
          } else {
            m = (p + q) / 2;
            ST_THREAD_CREATE(f_aux(p, m));
            f_aux(m, q));

Here, T is chosen so that calling f T times is likely to mask the overhead of a procedure call).

What's wrong with the first program? Well, it is not always wrong, and I know it is preferred in terms of maintenance cost and simplicity. Here I explain what happens when we execute the first program and in which circumstances is it OK and in circumstances should it be avoided.

When a worker, W, creates a thread for f(0), W starts f(0). W keeps its continuation (representing f(1) ... f(99,999) on its stack. A request from an idle worker, X, will soon arrive and W gives the continuation to X. Now, X creates a thread for f(1), leaving the rest of the work f(2) ... f(99,9999) on its stack. A request from another idle worker then steals it and invokes f(2), leaving f(3) ... f(99,999) on its stack, and so on. Observe that all these thread migrations occur in sequence. Assume for simplicity that each f(i) takes approximately the same time, this program assigns iterations in a round-robin manner, resulting in approximately 100,0000 sequential thread migrations. This places a lower bound of the time required to finish this loop, which is 100,000 times M, where M is the migration cost. In the original sequential loop, it takes 100,000 times F, where F is the cost of a f(i). Therefore, the achievable speedup on any number of processors is F/M, which may be quite small when F performs only a tiny amount of work (M is an order of thousand instructions).

Here is a summary: if F represents a significant amount of work, or you have only a small number of processors so that the above limit will not be observed, the simple parallel loop will be OK.

Where should you insert ST_POLLING?

The final topic is where to insert ST_POLLING. Recall that ST_POLLING serves two purposes.

The constraint is that you must put enough ST_POLLING to make them work. Another constraint is that you want to minimize ST_POLLING to save your coding time (and to save some overheads, but the overhead is not large (like 10 instructions). When you are not sure, play safe; put it).

Here are rules as to where you should insert ST_POLLING to make thread migration and stack management work. Each imposes a similar but different constraints, but the total result is as follows:

  1. When you have a non-leaf procedure (a procedure that may call another procedure) F, insert one at anywhere between the head of F and the first procedure call performed in F.
  2. When you have a non-leaf procedure F, insert one at anywhere between the last procedure call in F and the end of F.
  3. (Very strictly speaking) When you have a non-leaf procedure F, insert one at anywhere between two procedure calls performed in F (e.g., just after each procedure call). You can forget it in practice.
  4. When you have a loop, insert one at anywhere in the body, so that each iteration calls it.

In the last case, you do not have to do it when you know the loop is very small (and therefore never spends a long time).

For example, in pfib, the original code without ST_POLLING is structured like this:

pfib (...)
  ... (a) ...
  if (...) { ... (b) ... return; }
  else {
    ... (c) ...
    pfib (...);
    pfib (...);
    ... (d) ...

According to the rule 1, you insert ST_POLLING to: (a) or (c). We advise (c), because no procedure calls are made along the path (a)->(b)->return. This saves the overhead of ST_POLLING at leaves. According to the rule 2, you insert ST_POLLING to (d).

Do you want to know why? Let me describe constraints more precisely for thread migration and stack management.

First, for thread migration, you must ensure that ST_POLLING is called often enough so that each worker is responsive to requests from idle workers. Following the above rules, the maximum interval in which no ST_POLLINGs are called is bounded (in terms of instruction counts), regardless of input to the program. If the first rule would not be followed, a recursive function may create an arbitrary long polling-free interval. For example,

f(int n)
  f(n - 1);

If there would be no ST_POLLINGs in ..., the length of a polling-free interval is proportional to N, which is not constant across all inputs.

If the second rule would not be followed, a similar situation occurs during a chain of recursive calls are shrinking. For example,

f(int n)

  f(n - 1);

If there would be no ST_POLLINGs in ..., the length of a polling-free interval is proportional to N, which is not constant across all inputs.

The third rule is irrelevant for thread migration.

The fourth rule will be obvious. In practice, you might want to save overhead of calling ST_POLLING, if the body of the rule is very small. If you know the entire loop does not take a long time, you may skip it.

For stack management, you must ensure that you do not miss a point where the entire space above the current frame (upto stack pointer) is free. Notice that a new frame is always allocated on top of stack pointer. Therefore, if you do not call ST_POLLING at such a point and make another procedure call, these frames do not reuse space that is otherwise reusable. In the worst case, this will result in stack overflow that can otherwise be avoided.

A frame becomes dead only when a procedure returns, thus it suffices to call ST_POLLING just after a procedure returns. This is where the third rule comes from. Strictly speaking, all you need for stack management is this rule, but it may seem impractical when manually inserted by the programmer. As a rough approximation, the second rule is in practice OK. This is because, in common programming styles, a procedure F finishes only if all its decedent have finished. When this is the case, it is guaranteed that, if procedure F performs the last ST_POLLING and returns, free space left on top of the stack is none or the frame of F, because all descendent of F have also been finished.

Implementing Synchronization Primitives

This section describes how to implement your own synchronizing data structure on top of the bottom-level primitives (st_suspend_thread and st_resume_thread). Before using bottom-level primitives, examine if it is possible to implement your synchronization just by combining higher-level primitives (mutex, semaphore, and condition variables). High-level primitives often save your time for debugging. In particular, condition variable is very general. You need bottom-level primitives only when they are necessary for performance or when your synchronization is most conveniently expressed with them.

Consider a simple example in which two threads, a producer (writer) and a consumer (reader), are synchronized through a location. The synchronization constraint is that the consumer must wait for the producer to put the result. We assume there is only a single writer and a reader. We must still resolve the races between the writer and the reader.

 1  typedef struct buffer
 2  {
 3    st_int_loc_t status; /* 0 for empty, 1 for full */
 4    int val;
 5    st_context_t waiter; /* waiting context */
 6  } * buffer_t;
 8  void init_buffer(buffer_t b)
 9  {
10    ST_INT_LOC_INIT(&b->status, 0);
11    b->waiter = 0; /* no threads are waiting */
12  }
14  int GET(buffer_t b)
15  {
16    if (st_read_int(&b->status) == 1) {
17      return b->val; /* full */
18    } else {
19      /* atomically swap -1 and the current status */
20      int s = st_read_and_lock_int(&b->status);
21      if (s == 1) {
22        int val = b->val;
23        st_write_and_unlock_int(&b->status, s); /* unlock */
24        return val;
25      } else {
26        struct st_context c[1];
27        c->valid = 0;
28        b->waiter = c;
29        st_write_and_unlock_int(&b->status, 0); /* unlock */
30        st_suspend_thread(c);
31        return b->val;
32      }
33    }
34  }
36  int PUT(buffer_t b, int val)
37  {
38    /* atomically swap -1 and the current status */
39    st_read_and_lock_int(&b->status);
40    b->val = val;
41    if (b->w) {
42      /* somebody is waiting */
43      st_context_t w = b->w;
44      st_write_and_unlock_int(&b->status, 1); /* unlock */
45      st_resume_context(w);
46    } else {
47      st_write_and_unlock_int(&b->status, 1); /* unlock */
48    }
49  }

The buffer has three fields. The first one is val, the value written by the writer. The second is waiter, which is a pointer to a context. When a reader is blocked waiting for the value, the context is written to waiter. Waiter is zero when nobody is waiting. Finally it has status field to describe the status of the buffer. It also serves as a lock variable to make modifications to multiple words atomic. It is either full, in which the writer has already performed a PUT, empty, in which it has not.

GET checks b->status and if it is not full, it suspends the current thread by putting a context to b->waiter (the line 26--31). PUT checks b->waiters and if it is not zero, it resumes the waiting thread (the line 42--45).

To resolve possible race conditions between the writer and the reader, the above code looks more complicated than it ought to be. When the reader decides to suspend, we must guarantee that the writer will see b->waiter after the reader writes to b->waiter. We guarantee this by associating a lock with the status field. Before the reader decides to suspend, it first obtains the lock by st_read_and_lock_int(&b->status).

Since the writer first obtains the lock before reading b->waiter, it is guaranteed that at line 26, the writer is not reading b->waiter. The rest of the code is straightforward.

Here is very important notes on the use of st_read_and_lock_int. First, do not forget unlock. Second, do not spend a long time when you are locking any location by st_read_and_lock_int. Once you obtain a lock, you must unlock it as soon as possible. Typically, what you do while locking something is a very short sequence of simple primitives like arithmetics. Do not call any function that may take a long time. For example, do not call malloc or printf. Finally, never try to obtain two or more locks at the same time. This is naturally avoided if you try to make critical sections as short as possible.

In short, st_read_and_lock_int itself should not be regarded as a thread synchronization primitive, but be a primitive to support atomic transactions to a single location. If you want to have an exclusive access to a data structure for a long time (this is already an unadvisable programming style, though) for some reasons, use synchronization primitives such as mutex.

What Does stgcc Command Do?

stgcc (stg++) is a simple script that drives compilation. It retains the same interface as gcc (stg++); it accepts the same set of command line options, except for those that fundamentally conflict with execution scheme of StackThreads/MP. The following descriptions about stgcc also apply to stg++.

stgcc is not a preprocessor or a compiler that understands C/C++ syntax and translates C/C++ programs in non-trivial ways. In fact, it feeds given C/C++ programs directly to gcc, passing command line (almost) as is. As a consequence, you can use almost all command line options and non-standard extensions supported by gcc.

What is stgcc then? It is a postprocessor of gcc. Whatever options you gave to stgcc, it lets gcc to generate assembly code and postprocess the assembly. The postprocessor is written in an AWK script and does the following jobs:

Options of gcc that specifies where to stop compilation process (which are -E, -S, and -c) are also supported. Compilation transparently proceeds, if necessary, by compiling the postprocessed assembly file into an object file and by linking object files into executable.

There are other minor things that stgcc do:

What Does the Postprocessor Do?

Undocumented yet.

Known Limitations and Subtleties

While StackThreads/MP tries to support multithreading with unmodified GCC/G++, which does not have a notion of multiple threads of control, there are certain limitations which are hard to be fixed without changing the compiler or calling conventions. Here I list all the problems that I know of currently.

Floating SP Problem

If you apply patches under gccpatch to your gcc, you do not worry about the problem (see section Applying Safety Patches to GCC for how to apply patches).

In practice, this problem occurs only on Pentium, and only when you write a nested procedure call to a procedure that calls ST_THREAD_CREATE, ST_POLLING, ST_STEAL_REQ_CHECK, and any other synchronization primitives (mutex, semaphore, procedure compiled by stgcc). For example, if you write f(g(x), 1, 2, 3, 4) and if g may call st_mutex_wait, this is a nested procedure call. In such cases, outer procedures may receive wrong arguments. In this example, f may observe wrong arguments (more specifically, 1, 2, 3, and 4 may not be correctly passed to f).

To workaround this problem without patching gcc, avoid nested procedure calls (at least on Pentium), and do not call the above primitives within C++ constructors (because they are often implicitly called to cast arguments).

In theory, this problem may occur when the compiler would become cleverer. The execution scheme of StackThreads/MP manages stack pointer so that it always points to `top of the stack,' above which no unfinished frames are allocated. In particular, the stack pointer may not point to the currently running frame. Therefore, the value of stack pointer may be different from gcc's idea it. This mismatch causes a problem if gcc exploits it to optimize things (see section How does it work, basically? for more info about how does StackThreads/MP manage stack pointer).

The calling convention on a particular CPU determines how to manage stack pointer. The compiler may assume that stack pointer after a procedure call has a certain statically-computable offset from its original value, accoding to the calling convention. More specifically, on most calling conventions, the value of stack pointer does not change across a procedure call; in other cases (e.g., `Pascal' convention on Pentium), the callee is responsible for cleaning up arguments pushed on stack. Either case, the compiler knows where does stack pointer point to after a procedure call (more precisely, it statically knows how much does it differ from its original value), and if it wishes, it may exploit the fact to optimize arguments passing in procedure calls.

Suppose, for simplicity, a hypothetical convention in which ith argument to a procedure is stored at SP[4(i-1)], where SP is stack pointer, and SP does not change across a procedure call. Given a procedure call f(g(x), 1, 2, 3, 4), for example, the compiler may generate the following sequence:

 1       /* write 1, 2, 3, 4 */
 2       SP[ 4] = 1;
 3       SP[ 8] = 2;
 4       SP[12] = 3;
 5       SP[16] = 4;
 6       /* call g(x) */
 7       SP[ 0] = x;
 8       r = call g;
 9       /* write the result value*/
10        SP[ 0] = r;
11            call f;

Since g is nested inside f, it first performs a procedure call r = g(x) (line 8), and then f(r, 1, 2, 3, 4) (line 11). Before calling g, however, it puts a part of arguments to f at SP[4] ... SP[16] (line 2 -- 5). When g returns (at line 10), the value of SP is the same as the value of SP at line 5, therefore f can correctly receive arguments 1 ... 4.

The fundamental problem here is that the argument-writing sequence for f was interrupted by another procedure call g, which was safe in the original convention because a procedure call does not change SP, but is not in StackThreads/MP convention in which SP points to whatever place happens to be top of the stack at that point. In general, we must tell the compiler that SP becomes `unknown' after any procedure call.

As described, this problem in theory occurs whenever the compiler does a good job at placing arguments to procedures. It may in theory occur on any architecture and for almost any program, even if it does not use a literally nested procedure call (note that there are no reasons why the compiler cannot do the same optimization for non-nested version of the above example, which is, { r = g(x); f = (r, 1, 2, 3, 4) }.

Let us now move our focus on what does the current gcc do, and let me describe why do I think this problem occurs only for literally nested procedure calls on Pentium. First of all, compilers use SP as the base register when they write arguments to procedures. For other purposes, frame pointer (FP) is used. This is because FP never changes within a single procedure, whereas SP in general does because of alloca. Therefore named locations (e.g., local variables) are accessed via FP. On the other hand, arguments to procedures are going to be accessed via FP of the called procedure, which is SP of the current procedure. Therefore arguments are written via SP. This limits the situation in which a compiler exploits the fact that SP is known after a procedure call. To summarize, a compiler exploits the fact only to schedule arguments passing to procedure calls.

On all CPUs I know of except for Pentium, first several (typically 4 to 6 words) arguments are passed on registers. This makes opmization less important on RISC CPUs. Second, the optimization is potentially complex because alloca make SP essentially unknown. Therefore any compiler that tries to optimize arguments passing must take it into account. A compiler cannot simply assume "SP is constant."

Possible Slowdown by Disabling Inline

We must make sure that a procedure call expression that appears in ST_THREAD_CREATE is not inline-expanded. For example, when you write ST_THREAD_CREATE(f(x)), you must make sure procedure call f(x) is not inlined by gcc. When this condition holds, separate stack frames are allocated for f and the caller of f. StackThreads/MP runtime can then execute f and the caller in parallel by executing the two frames on different processors. This is impossible if f(...) is inlined, because their stack frames are merged. stgcc command automatically disables inlining by giving gcc suitable options (-fno-inline-functions for normal functions and -fno-default-inline for C++ member functions defined in a class definition). This is safe, but sometimes results in a noticeable slowdown compared to gcc, particularly for C++ programs.

Giving -fno-inline-functions and -fno-default-inline are very pessimistic, because we only have to make sure that inlining won't occur on parallel calls (ST_THREAD_CREATE). Inlining normal procedure calls are no problem, but the problem is we have no way to prohibit inlining of designated call sites. Here are a couple of suggestions to enable inlining sequential calls.

Structure passing on SPARC

If you apply patches under gccpatch to your gcc, you can forget about the problem.

The problem arises when a procedure performs two or more logically concurrent procedure calls that take a structure as an argument. The problem is, in such programs, structure arguments passed to a procedure call may be overwritten by subsequent ones.

For example,

 1       typedef struct S { ... };
 2       typedef struct T { ... };
 4       void g(S x) { ... };
 5       void h(T y) { ... };
 7       void f()
 8       {
 9         S s; T t;
10         ...
11         ST_THREAD_CREATE(g(s));
12         h(t);
13       }

Procedure calls g(s) and h(t) are logically concurrent and both take a structure argument. Procedure g may observe that its incoming parameter (x) is overwritten.

This problem occurs basically because SPARC calling convention uses the same storage to pass structure arguments to procedures. In this example, the storage for passing s to g and passing t to h are the same. The above program is equivalent to:

        void f()
          union { S s; T t; } struct_passing_area;

This is not a problem in sequential programs, because when f calls h(t), procedure call g(s) has terminated. This is not the case when g(s) is evaluated by a new thread. What happens is that, concurrent activities h and g unconsciously share an unnamed storage.

To sidestep this problem, all procedures that take a structure parameter can copy the parameter into a local storage just after it is called. For example, the above procedure g can be rewritten as follows.

        void g(S _x) { S x = _x; ... };

If such a copy is too expensive, and if you can change the signature of g, you may pass the structure by reference as follows.

        void f()
          S s; T t;

This does not work if f itself modifies s after calling g. Here we are facing essentially the same problem as before, but this time, the programmer can easily reason about the problem because the storage is explicitly named by the programmer. The real problem in the first program is that an unnamed storage is shared and thus the programmer cannot reason about it.

You may wonder why doesn't this problem occur on other CPUs or for scalar arguments? Procedures normally place arguments to a procedure call on registers and SP-relative locations (memory locations addressed via stack pointer). On Mips, Alpha, and Pentium, this is the case for any type of arguments. SPARC places scalar arguments on registers and SP-relative locations, but places structure arguments on FP-relative locations (memory locations addressed via frame pointer). For parameters passed via registers, the compiler-generated code, if necessary, saves them when the control departs from the procedure (by calling another procedure). For parameters passed via SP-relative locations, StackThreads/MP runtime system ensures that, if the control returns to f before g exits, the stack pointer is adjusted so that h(t) does use the same storage as g(s). When the control returns to f before g exits, the values of the stack pointer at different at line 11 and line 12 are different, effectively renaming the storage for SP-relative locations.

C++ Global Constructors

Machine code generated by stgcc assumes that StackThreads/MP runtime has been initialized. StackThreads/MP library defines a main function that initializes the runtime before anything else and then calls a user-supplied entry point, st_main. When you have a C++ class that has a constructor and defines a global or static variable of that class, then the constructor is called before main. Therefore these constructors run before StackThreads/MP is initialized.

The problem occurs only when a constructor explicitly calls some StackThreads/MP primitives. If the constructor is a simple sequential constructor, as is typically the case, there are no problems.

If you ever wish to call a StackThreads/MP primitive from within a global constructor that runs before main, you must treat such a constructor call as a callback (see section Setup TLS Pointers for more information). To summarize, when you have such a constructor, write ST_CALLBACK_BEGIN() at the entry and ST_CALLBACK_END() before return. For example, here is a class Foo, whose constructor creates a thread whenever an instance is created.

        class Foo
          Foo { 
            ST_THREAD_CREATE(fib(n, ...)); 


See section Alloca is not supported (yet) for information and possible workarounds.

Big arguments

This problem rarely occurs. When a procedure calls another procedure with extremely large arguments. In practice the problem only occurs when you have a structure that embeds a large array and passes an instance of the structure by value. Here is an example that may cause the problem.

        typedef struct bigstr
        } bigstr;
        void bigstr_eather(bigstr bs) { ... }

        void caller()
          bigstr b;

stgcc command invokes gcc and examines the assembly code generated by gcc. It collects information about stack frame formats of compiled procedures. Collected information includes, among other things, the size of the SP-relative region (the region accessed via stack pointer) of each stack frame. The size of SP-relative regions are determined by gcc depending on the size of out-going parameters. stgcc must know the size of the region to do stack management. It computes the size by scanning the assembly instruction sequence and finding instructions that store something using stack pointer as the base register. For all such instructions, we check the offset + the operand size, and computes the maximum of these values. This is the size of the SP-relative region for that procedure.

In programs like this, the compiler may obscure such SP-relative stores. For example, if the location to be written cannot be reached by a store instruction using stack pointer as the base, the location may be computed to a general purpose register and then written using that register as the base. Even worse, arguments are written by calling functions like memcpy. Thus, stgcc may not be able to SP-relative regions accurately for such programs and as a consequence, stack management scheme may be broken.

I have never encountered this problem. You will not often encounter this problem either, because C/C++ programmers know that passing large structures are expensive in C/C++ and normally pass such structures by pointers.

There are some ways to make this problem even unlikely to occur, but I do not think of a perfect idea right now. To guarantee 100% safety, I guess we must eventually hack the compiler. We simply want to know gcc's idea about the size of SP-relative regions in a form of a comment or a directive in generated assembly instructions. Such information should be readily available inside a compiler and gcc seems to generate such information on some CPUs. Let's make it available all machines!

Interaction with pragma interface

The problem occurs when you are using a C++ header file that uses #pragma interface. When multiple C++ sources include such a header file and they are linked together, you observe a lot of erros saying symbols are duplicated. Symbols are names of member functions defined in the header file. This is probably a gcc bug (that exists at least in ver on Solaris. I don't know situations in other platforms and on other versions of gcc), but I describe it here because the problem occurs faily often (most importantly when you use iostream.h that comes with g++).

stgcc command gives -fno-default-inline to gcc. When gcc compiles a C++ source that includes a header file that uses #pragma interface, it generates all the symbols defined in the header as global symbols, rather than file-scope or weak symbols. If multiple sources include such headers, they result in a link error. This is purely a gcc bug, I believe.

The problem does not occur without -fno-default-inline, in which case definitions of these symbols are not generated. The problem does not occurs without #pragma interface either, in which case symbols are defined as weak symbols. The manual of gcc says the specification about this pragma is in transition.

It would be nice if you would not encounter this problem unless you use this pragma. Unfortunately, however, library header files that come with gcc extensively use them! Most importantly, iostream.h uses it. A possible work around is to give --default_inline_is_ok to stgcc, which instructs stgcc not to pass -fno-default-inline. But then, you must make sure that gcc never inlines member function calls that appear in ST_THREAD_CREATE. You can achieve this by, for example, never calling member functions by ST_THREAD_CREATE. see section Possible Slowdown by Disabling Inline for more details about --default_inline_is_ok.


Why am I interested in it?

Q: I am already accustomed to Pthreads, why must I use StackThreads/MP in the first place?

A: Pthreads and StackThreads/MP provide a similar set of basic primitives (thread create and synchronization). The most fundamental difference is that StackThreads/MP creates a thread very cheaply and tolerates a very large number of threads. This makes a significant difference in parallel programming styles.

In parallel programming with Pthreads, the programmer normally creates a constant number of threads and threads share a common task pool to distribute work (even more simply, each thread is statically assigned to a particular task at compile time). A piece of work is represented by a datum and it enters the task pool when it is found necessary. This explicit representation of a task is already onerous (Recall that in sequential programs, you simply call a function to perform a particular task. You don't have to define a data structure that represents a task). Worse, to achieve scalability, you are often forced to make the task pool concurrently accessible from multiple threads. This complicates the structure of the task pool, making overheads of queue manipulation larger and programming errors more likely. Most importantly, the resulting parallel program obscures the logic of the computation and looks very different from the sequential program, making the cost of maintenance significantly larger.

In parallel programming with StackThreads/MP, the programmer is encouraged to create threads dynamically when a piece of work is found necessary. It provides a primitive that attaches a thread to any procedure call in C and a thread creation costs only a little more than a sequential procedure call. The runtime system regards a thread as a unit of work and schedules whatever number of threads you created on whatever number of processors you have. Therefore, you need not manage a task pool explicitly. It is a library built on top of traditional thread libraries such as Pthreads. It internally spawns a fixed number of coarse-grain threads (i.e., threads in the Pthreads' sense) and each such thread creates arbitrary number of fine-grain threads (i.e., threads in StackThreads/MP's sense) and distributes them among the underlying coarse-grain threads. StackThreads/MP programming model is particularly attractive when starting from sequential source. Basically, some procedure calls in the sequential source are replaced by thread creations. In most cases, you can retain the overall structure of the sequential source. Everything comes from the fact that a thread creation is very cheap; therefore you do not worry about "too much threads."

There are some other reasons why you might be interested in StackThreads/MP.

Does it subsume Pthreads?

No. It is intended to be a parallel programming tool. Pthreads, on the other hand, is intended to be both as a parallel programming tool and as a concurrent programming tool. Pthreads are sometimes used to spawn a `background' job in programs that handle asynchronous inputs. For example, GUI programs may spawn a thread to redraw the screen while another thread is listening to events. Server programs may spawn a thread to process a request from a client while another thread is servicing another. These programs create threads not so much because they want to shrink the total computation time on multiprocessors, but because they want to make them responsive to inputs. In particular, it makes sense to create a thread even on uniprocessors, as long as threads are scheduled fairly.

Threads of StackThreads/MP do not replace such threads. In particular, it does not guarantee any fairness. It only guarantees that, as long as there is any thread in the system (and the main procedure is not returned yet), it schedules a thread. However, StackThreads/MP provides a way to directly create a thread (or a group of threads) of the underlying thread package. Therefore you can comfortably mix fine-grain threads, which are cheap to create but not scheduled fairly, and threads of the underlying thread package, which are expensive to create but are scheduled fairly by the OS (see section Create a Worker Group for details).

Compilation fails

Q: Compilation fails. Why?

A: stgcc simply calls gcc without any preprocessing. Therefore it virtually never happens that whatever errors gcc generated is caused by stgcc. Be sure that your program compiles with gcc.

There are still possibility that a program that successfully compiles with gcc does not successfully compile with stgcc.

Link fails

Q: Link fails. Why?

A: First, see the previous item (See section Compilation fails). In addition, stgcc invokes nm command at link time. Be sure that command invoked by typing nm displays contents of object files correctly.

How to obtain tools

Q: How to obtain necessary tools.

A: To use StackThreads/MP, you need make, sh, nm, gawk, and gcc. Virtually all UNIX platforms already have make, sh, and nm, although we recommend you to install GNU make. gawk is mandatory; awk cannot replace gawk. If you do not have nm or nm on your system doesn't work, you can install GNU nm. It is included in binutils.

For UNIXs, all these tools are available in a variety of sites. On Windows NT, all these tools are available as Cygnus GNUWIN32 package. If you have no idea, visit StackThreads/MP home page and follow links from there.

Why is compilation slow?

Q: Why does compilation take longer than gcc?

A: To be honest, the compilation is noticeably slower than plain gcc (as a rough estimation, stgcc takes twice longer than gcc). Probably, it comes mostly from the fact that the postprocessor is written in gawk. I want to retain it in awk for now because then it is very easy to fix bugs and add new platforms. I will eventually rewrite it for speed, possibly in compiled languages like C.

Segmentation fault

Q: When I ran a program compiled via stgcc, I got a segmentation fault. Why?

A: Ninty nine times out of hundred, it is not my fault :-) Here is some possible ways to isolate the problem.

Why is my program slow on a single processor?

Q: When I run a program compiled by stgcc on a single processor, it is slower than its serial program compiled by gcc. Why?

A: Although StackThreads/MP tries to minimize the overhead of running parallel programs, there are several sources.

These overheads are insignificant when thread and synchronization granularity are large enough (several hundreds instructions between two events are large enough). Moreover, these overheads are fairly easy to reason about, because they all appear in the source program. There are other sources that are not directly visible in C/C++ sources.

The last two items are not noticeable unless the program calls a very small function (that perform, say, only 10 instructions in its body) too often. Such procedures are most likely to be inline-expanded if you attach inline keyword. This eliminates the procedure call overhead all together.

Why is my program slow on multiprocessors

Q: My program didn't speedup at all. Why?

A: I don't know :-) Again, it is not likely to be my fault, but here are some guidelines to shoot out the problem.

What is ST_POLLING for?

Q: Why must I must insert ST_POLLING?

A: ST_POLLING does two things. One is to distribute threads among processors and the other is to manage stack. Without inserting ST_POLLING at all, your program never runs faster than on single processor. See section Where should you insert ST_POLLING? for details.

Why both spin-locks and mutex?

Q: StackThreads/MP provides both spin-lock primitives and mutex locks. Why? And when should I use which?

A: Because both are useful on different situations. Mutex is useful when the critical section is not very short. When threads are contending on a mutex, these threads enter the waiting queue of the mutex and the workers schedule other runnable threads. The effect is to serialize computation within these critical sections and perform other tasks in parallel.

To achieve scalable speedup, you must be careful so that the total time spent on any critical section is far smaller than the ideal execution time on whatever number of processors you wish to scale. For example, if the program spends T seconds on a single processor and the total amount of time that must be spent in a critical section is X, you must make sure that T/P << X, where P is the maximum number of processors that you wish to run the program. Note that thread blocking takes a fairly long time, so the above X must account for blocking/unblocking threads on a mutex.

A common practice is to do your best to make critical sections as short as possible. A typical critical section is as short as 10 instructions. Spin-locks are useful for such short critical sections.

This document was generated on 3 April 2000 using the texi2html translator version 1.51.